Page:Lazarus, a tale of the world's great miracle.djvu/251

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"'What is the worst sin of all?' I asked.—'There is one sin we may not speak of, that even the angels wot not of; and we know not whether any man hath committed it, nor where the hell is. Of that knoweth only God. But one of the greatest sinners is he who never forgiveth; for this cause he too is never forgiven.'

"Then we passed through a long, dark building, like to a sepulchre; and, as we passed out, I felt a cold air come against me, as if the north wind blew over mountains of ice and snow; and figures that were unclothed ran hither and thither, crying out for garments and for fire; praying that even scorching fire might come upon them, rather than this cold. And the Spirit of Truth said: 'These are they who have no mercy; who have loved neither father nor mother, nor husband, nor friend, nor children; who have not cared if others suffered or needed help, nor listened to those that loved them, nor drawn with love the hearts of those that erred. Here they freeze and freeze, yet die not, and no warmth cometh to them ever.'

"Then I saw that most of these were women whose hearts were cold; and, as we passed, one ran after me and seized me, and she said: 'Give me of thy warmth, give me of thy warmth.'

"But, even while she spoke, she fainted from very cold; and I said to the Spirit: 'Who is this woman, for methinks I have seen her picture when on earth?' And he answered: 'That is Jezebel.'

"Then we hurried on, for the night was well-nigh spent, and the Spirit of Truth did tell me that I must needs make speed, for that the next day the