Page:Lazarus, a tale of the world's great miracle.djvu/256

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"Then we came to almost the nethermost hell of all, and the smell was foul, as of a putrefying, stagnant pool, heavy with fever-laden mists; and the rocks grew closer, as though they would crush out all light. 'Here dwell the greatest sinners of any thou hast seen,' said the Spirit of Truth; 'the religious hypocrites and the priests who pervert the people. They who make weak women confess their sins, that they may listen to uncleanly tales, and hold the secrets of the fearsome, like daggers, over their heads. Of these Caiaphas will be—and his day is close at hand.'

"And I looked and saw that the place was crowded with long-robed priests with folded hands, which they could not unlock; the women came and cursed them, and their sons and daughters came and cursed them, and cried out: 'Who then was our father?'

"And, while I looked I saw that they were struck with blindness, and there was none to lead them as they walked; thus they struck their feet against the stones and rocks, and ofttimes fell to the ground.

"And the Spirit of Truth said: 'In life these men knew the truth and hid it from the people, beguiling them with rumours and tradition; and now they themselves are struck with blindness, and ofttimes the crowd doth rend them, and they cannot help themselves.'

"Then remembered I the words of the Nazarene: 'Woe unto ye, ye blind guides, which say, "Whosoever shall swear by the Temple it is nothing, but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the Temple he is a debtor!" '