Page:Lazarus, a tale of the world's great miracle.djvu/328

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little group gathered round the porch and one said: "Surely thou also art one of them, for thy speech betrayeth thee; a curse on thy lying Galilean tongue."

"I know not what thou sayest," repeated Peter; and, when all gathered round him curiously, ready with many questions, he continued angrily: "Cursed be ye all, ye questioning, prating fools, I tell ye I know not the Man."

And, on the chilly air, there rose from the Roman quarter the shrill crow of a cock, announcing the first hour of morning; and a pang, that was like a death-blast, shot straight to Peter's heart.

There was a noise of hurried footsteps and clanking swords that jangled on the pavement, and the Nazarene passed by, and while the words rose on his lips, "I know not the Man," the Saviour turned His head and, with the agonised gaze of one who heareth his best friend betray him, He looked at Peter.

One more drop of the cup of bitterness was drunk.

And Peter, covering his face with his hands, rushed out into the night to weep; and again the cock crew on the stilly night.