Page:Lazarus, a tale of the world's great miracle.djvu/353

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PREPARED for his death sentence, yet now no longer fearing it, Lazarus was surprised at his reception when ushered into the presence of Pontius Pilate.

Indeed, so agitated was Pilate, that he motioned with his head to Claudia to ask the burning questions that lay so close to both their lips.

"Oh, tell us, tell us, noble Lazarus, is He dead?" she asked.

"I think that even now they are but nailing Him to the Cross, if so be they lose not time in buffeting Him," said Lazarus, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Be seated, I pray thee," said Claudia, seeing how pale and tired he looked. Then she continued: "Cannot we yet save Him?"

A gleam of hope shot from the eyes of Lazarus, but quickly died. After a pause he said: "Nay, let Him die, fair lady. 'T is but another hour of agony, and then the sweet spirit will have rejoined His Father. Needs must that He should die. He Himself hath said so, and His word is Truth. If thou shouldst release Him now, Caiaphas will by subtlety retake Him. For the salvation of the world He must needs die to bear the sins of all."

"Thinkest thou, then, that He is the Son of God?"