Page:Lazarus, a tale of the world's great miracle.djvu/394

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"SELL all that thou hast, take up thy cross, and follow Me," murmured Lazarus, while he bent over the dead body of the beauteous Magdalene, now lying on the very couch on which he himself had died.

She had been found close to Jerusalem, stabbed in the heart by some foul hand. None would ever know the quick, hot words, the madness-given strength of the proud woman who had stabbed her in her jealousy. None would ever know how Lazarus mourned his bride. He had sold all that he possessed; had this too been a possession that would have kept his soul back from the great work of testifying? If so, blessed be the Lord who giveth and taketh away; he, too, must tread the winepress alone.

A ship was waiting to take Lazarus and Mary away to where he could preach the gospel unmolested. Simon could not make up his mind to let both daughters leave him in his old age; so it had been decided that Martha should remain with him. The spirit of the Eternal One had shown Lazarus that he would not have been restored to life only to die again at once. The Lord had commanded him to testify. This he must needs do, and, to do so,