Page:Le Lutrin - An Heroick Poem (1682).djvu/10

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Canto i.
And, whilst their circling Healths and Heads go round,
Arnold and all his little Whigs, Confound!
With Nectar, killing-thirst they will allay;
The Voider comes, the Cloath is ta'ne away,
The Prelate then with words expressing Grief,
Unto his Confidents declaims in brief!
"My brave Confederates, in all Intriegues,
"Propping my Interest with your holy Leagues,
"Whose Votes Unanimous once made me Dean,
"What boots this Meagre Title? Honour Lean?
"My Name but mention'd; Ay, and scarcely that,
"Unless perhaps at the Magnificat;
"How can you bear to see this Rascal Nose me,
"And his Combined mates thus dare t'oppose me?
"Invading all my Rights and Priviledges,
"My Compeer th' Impudent, himself Alledges.
"Thus leaping o're all bounds of Law and Reason,
"I think t'Indite the Rebel of High Treason;
"For I have by me, or at least can get
"Such Witnesses, be sure shall do the feat!
"This very Morn ('tis no fond tale I tell thee,
"A Goddess in a Dream shew'd what befell me)
"This Insolent Upstart e're I was Dressing
"Stept up into my Throne, and gave the Blessing;
"And now to cut my Throat, the last of Harms,
"The Villain would usurp my proper Arms.——
More would he fain have said, but briny tears
Mixt with redoubled sighs and inward fears,
Did intercept his speech, cut short his Story,
And spoil'd the Tenor of his Oratory.
But Zealous Gilotin, who condol'd his Merits,
Had one Device yet left to chear his Spirits:
For marking how the Prelates speech did vary,
He calls for a brisk Glass of old Canary.
