Page:Le Morte d'Arthur - Volume 1.djvu/439

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ESSAYS AND BELLES-LETTRES continued L Rhys' New Book of Sense and Nonsense. 813 Rousseau's Eniile. Translated by Barbara Foxley. 518 (See also PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY) L Ruskin's Crown of Wild Olive and Cestus of Aglaia. 323 Elements of Drawing and Perspective. 217 Ethics of the Dust. Introduction by Grace Rhys. 282 Modern Painters. 5 vols. Introduction by Lionel Gust. 208-12 Pre-Raphaelitism. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, Academy Notes, 1855-9, and Notes on the Turner Gallery. Introduction by Laurence Binyon. 218 L Sesame and Lilies, The Two Paths, and The King of the Golden River. Introduction by Sir Oliver Lodge. 219 Seven Lamps of Architecture. Intro, by Selwyn Image. 207 Stones of Venice. 3 vols. Intro, by L. March Phillipps. 213-15 Time and Tide with other Essays. 450 Unto This Last, The Political Economy of Art, 216 (See also FOR YOUNG PEOPLE) Spectator, The. 4 vols. Introduction by G. Gregory Smith. 164-7 Spencer's (Herbert) Essays on Education. Intro, by C. W. Eliot. 504 Sterne's Sentimental Journey and Journal and Letters to Eliza. Intro. (See also FICTION) [by George Saintsbury. 796 L Stevenson's In the South Seas and Island Nights' Entertainments. 769 L ,, Virginibus Puerisque and Familiar Studies of Men and (See also FICTION, POETRY and TRAVEL) [Books. 765 Swift's Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, etc. 347 (See also BIOGRAPHY and FOR YOUNG PEOPLE) Table Talk. Edited by J. C. Thornton. 906 Taylor's (Isaac) Words and Places, or Etymological Illustrations of History, Ethnology, and Geography. Intro, by Edward Thomas. 517 Thackeray's (W. M.) The English Humourists and The Four Georges. Introduction by Walter Jerrold. 610 (See also FICTION) L Thoreau's Walden. Introduction by Walter Raymond. 281 Trench's On the Study of Words and English Past and Present. Intro- duction by George Sampson. 788 Tytler's Essay on the Principles of Translation. 168 Walton's Compleat Angler. Introduction by Andrew Lang. 70 FICTION Aimard's The Indian Scout. 428 L Ainsworth's (Harrison) Old St. Paul's. Intro, by W. E. A. Axon. 522 The Admirable Crichton. Intro, by E. Rhys. 804 L The Tower of London. 400 L Windsor Castle. 709 Rookwood. Intro, by Frank Swinnerton. 870 American Short Stories of the Nineteenth Century. Edited by John Cournos. 840 L Austen's (Jane) Emma. Introduction by R. B. Johnson. 24 Mansfield Park. Introduction by R. B. Johnson. 23 L Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. Introduction by R. B. Johnson. 25 L Pride and Prejudice. Introduction by R. B. Johnson. 22 L Sense and Sensibility. Intro, by R. B. Johnson. 21 Balzac's (Honore de) Atheist's Mass. Preface by George Samtsbury. 229 Catherine de M6dici. Introduction by George Saintsbury. 419 Christ in Flanders. Introduction by George Saintsbury. 284 Cousin Pons. Intro, by George Samtsbury. 463 Eugenie Grandet. Intro, by George Saintsbury. 169 Lost Illusions. Intro, by George Saintsbury. 656 I, Old Goriot. Introduction by George Samtsbury. 170 The Cat and Racket, and Other Stories. 349 The Chouans. Intro, by George Saintsbury. 285 The Country Doctor. Intro. George Saintsbury. 530 The Country Parson. 686 The Quest of the Absolute. Introduction by George Saintsbury. 286 The Rise and Fall of C6sar Birotteau. 596 The Wild Ass's Skin. Intro, by George Saintsbury. 26 Ursule Mirouet. Intro, by George Saintsbury. 733 Barbusse's Under Fire. Translated by Fitzwater Wray. 798