Page:Le Morte d'Arthur - Volume 1.djvu/441

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FICTION continued L Eliot's (George) Silas Marner. Introduction by Annie Matheson. 121 L English Short Stories. An Anthology. 743 Erckmann-Chatrian's The Conscript and Waterloo. 354 The Story of a Peasant. Translated by C. J. Hogarth. 2 vols. 706-7 L Fenimore Cooper's The Deerslayer. 77 L The Last of the Mohicans. 79 The Pathfinder. 78 The Pioneers. 171 The Prairie. 172 Ferrier's (Susan) Marriage. Introduction by H. L. Morrow. 816 Fielding's Amelia. Intro, by George Saintsbury. 2 vols. 852-3 Jonathan Wild, and The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. Introduction by George Saintsbury. 877 Joseph Andrews. Introduction by George Saintsbury. 467 L Tom Jones. Intro, by George Saintsbury. 2 vols. 355-6 Flaubert's Madame Bovary. Translated by Eleanor Marx-Aveling. Introduction by George Saintsbury. 808 Salammbo. Translated by J. S. Chartres. Introduction by Professor F. C. Green. 869 French Short Stories of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Selected, with an Introduction by Professor F. C. Green. 896 L Galsworthy's (John) The Country House. 917 Gait's Annals of a Parish. Introduction by Baillie Macdonald. 427 Gaskell's (Mrs.) Cousin Phillis, etc. Intro, by Thos. Seccombe. 615 L Cranford. 83 Mary Barton. Introduction by Thomas Seccombe. 598 North and South. 680 Sylvia's Lovers. Intro, by Mrs. Ellis Chad wick. 524 Gleig's(G. R.) The Subaltern. 708 Goethe's Wilhelm Meister. Carlyle's Translation. 2 vols. 599-600 (See also ESSAYS and POETRY) Gogol's (Nicol) Dead Souls. Translated by C. J. Hogarth. 726 Taras Bulba and Other Tales. 740 L Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. Introduction by J. M. D. 295 (See also ESSAYS and POETRY) Goncharov's Oblomov. Translated by Natalie Duddington. 878 Gorki's Through Russia. Translated by C. J. Hogarth. 741 $ Gotthelf's Ulric the Farm Servant. Ed. with Notes by John Ruskin. 228 Harte's (Bret) Luck of Roaring Camp and other Tales. 681 Hawthorne's The Houseof the Seven Gables. Intro, by Ernest Rhys. 176 L The Scarlet Letter. 122 The Blithedale Romance. 592 The Marble Faun. Intro, by Sir Leslie Stephen. 424 Twice Told Tales. 531 (See also FOR YOUNG PEOPLE) L Hugo's (Victor) Les Miserables. Intro, by S. R. John. 2 vols. 363-4 L Notre Dame. Introduction by A. C. Swinburne. 422 L Toilers of the Sea. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 509 Italian Short Stories. Edited by D. PettoeUo. 876 James's (G. P. R.) Richelieu. Introduction by Rudolf Dircks. 357 L James's (Henry) The Turn of the Screw and The Aspern Papers. 912 Kingsley's (Charles) Alton Locke. 462 L ,, Hereward the Wake. Intro, by Ernest Rhys. 296 L Hypatia. 230 L Westward Ho; Introduction by A. G. Grieve. 20 Yeast. 611 (See also POETRY &nd FOR YOUNG PEOPLE) (Henry) Geoffrey Hamlyn. 416 ,, Ravenshoe. 28 L Lawrence's (D. H.) The White Peacock. 914 Lever's Harry Lorrequer. Introduction by Lewis Melville. 177 L Loti's (Pierre) Iceland Fisherman. Translated by W. P. Baines. 920 L Lover's Handy Andy. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 178 L Lytton's Harold. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 15 L Last Days of Pompeii. 80 Last of the Barons. Introduction by R. G. Watkin. 18 Rienzi. Introduction by E. H. Blakeney, M.A. 532 (See also TRAVEL) MacDonald's (George) Sir Gibbie. 678 (See also ROMANCE) Manning's Mary Powell and Deborah's Diary. Intro, by Katherine Tynan (Mrs. Hinkson). 324