Page:Le Morte d'Arthur - Volume 1.djvu/444

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HISTORY continued Machia velli's History of Florence. 376 (See also ESSAYS) Maine's (Sir Henry) Ancient Law. 734 Merivale's History of Rome. (An Introductory vol. to Gibbon.) 433 Mignet's (F. A. M.) The French Revolution. 713 Milman's History of the Jews. 2 vols. 377-8 Mommsen's History of Rome. Translated by W. P. Dickson, LL.D. With a review of the work by E. A. Freeman. 4 vols. 542-5 L Motley's Dutch Republic. 3 vols. 86-8 Parkman's Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 vols. 302-3 Paston Letters, The. Based on edition of Knight. Introduction by Mrs. Archer-Hind, M.A. 2 vols. 752-3 Pilgrim Fathers, The. Introduction by John Masefield. 480 Political Liberty, The Growth of. A 'Source-Book of English History. Arranged by Ernest Rhys. 745 Prescott's Conquest of Mexico. With Introduction by Thomas Seccombe, M.A. 2 vols. 397-8 Conquest of Peru. Intro, by Thomas Seccombe, M.A. 301 Sismondi's Italian Republics. 250 Stanley's Lectures on the Eastern Church. Intro, by A. J. Grieve. 251 ,, Memorials of Canterbury. 89 Tacitus. Vol. I Annals. Introduction by E. H. Blakeney. 273, Vol. II. Agricola and Germania. Intro, by E. H. Blakeney. 274 Thierry's Norman Conquest. Intro, by J. A. Price, B.A. 2 vols. 198-9 Villehardouin and De Joinville's Chronicles of the Crusades. Translated. with Introduction, by Sir F. Marzials, C.B. 333 Voltaire's Age of Louis XIV. Translated by Martyn P. Pollack. 780 ORATORY L Anthology of British Historical Speeches and Orations. Compiled by Ernest Rhys. 714 Bright's (John) Speeches. Selected with Intro, by Joseph Sturge. 252 Burke's American Speeches and Letters. 340 (See also ESSAYS) Demosthenes: Select Orations. 546 Fox (Charles James): Speeches (French Revolutionary War Period). Edited with Introduction by Irene Cooper Willis, M.A. 759 Lincoln's Speeches, etc. Intro, by the Rt. Hon. James Bryce. 206 (See also BIOGRAPHY) Macaulay's Speeches on Politics and Literature. 399 (See also ESSAYS and HISTORY) Pitt's Orations on the War with France. 145 PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY L A Kemp is' Imitation of Christ. 484 Ancient Hebrew Literature. Being the Old Testament and Apocrypha Arranged by the Rev. R. B. Taylor. 4 vols. 253-G Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics of. Translated by D. P. Chase. Introduction by Professor J. A. Smith. 547 (See also CLASSICAL) Bacon's The Advancement of Learning. 719 (See also ESSAYS) Berkeley's (Bishop) Principles of Human Knowledge, New Theory of Vision. With Introduction by A. D. Lindsay. 483 Boehme's (Jacob) The Signature of All Things, with Other Writings. Introduction by Clifford Bax. 569 Browne's Religio Medici, etc. Introduction by Professor C. H. Herford. 92 Bunyan's Grace Abounding and Mr. Badman. Introduction by G. B. Harrison. 815 (See also ROMANCE) Burton's (Robert) Anatomy of Melancholy. Introduction by Holbrook Jackson. 3 vols. 886-8 Butler's Analogy of Religion. Introduction by Rev. Ronald Bayne. 90 Descartes' (Rene) A Discourse on Method. Translated by Professor John Veitch. Introduction by A. D. Lindsay. 570 Hobbes' Leviathan. Edited, with Intro, by A. D. Lindsay, M.A. 691 Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity. Intro, by Rev. H. Bayne. 2 vols. 201-2 Hume's Treatise of Human Nature, and other Philosophical Works. Introduction by A. D. Lindsay. 2 vols. 548-9 James (William): Selected Papers on Philosophy. 739 Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohu. Introduction by Dr. A. D. Lindsay. 909 IO