Page:Le Morte d'Arthur - Volume 1.djvu/446

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POETRY AND DRAMA continued Emerson's Poems. Introduction by Professor Bake well, Yale, U.S.A. 715 Everyman and other Interludes, including eight Miracle Plays. Edited by Ernest Rhys. 381 L Fitzgerald's (Edward) Omar Khayyam and Six Plays of Calderon. 819 L Goethe's Faust. Parts I and II. Trans, and Intro, by A. G. Latham. 335 (See also ESSAYS and FICTION) L Golden Treasury of Longer Poems, The. Edited by Ernest Rhys. 746 L Goldsmith's Poems and Plays. Introduction by Austin Dobson. 415 (See also ESSAYS and FICTION) Gray's Poems and Letters. Introduction by John Drinkwater. 628 Hebbel's Plays. Translated with an Introduction by Dr. C. K. Allen. 694 Heine: Prose and Poetry. 911 Herbert's Temple. Introduction by Edward Thomas. 309 Heroic Verse, A Volume of. Arranged by Arthur Burrell, M.A. 574 Herrick's Hesperides and Noble Numbers. Intro, by Ernest Rhys. 310 L Ibsen's Brand. Translated by F. E. Garrett. 716 L Ghosts, The Warriors at Helgoland, and An Enemy of the People. Translated by R. Farquharson Sharp. 552 L Lady Inger of Ostraat, Love's Comedy, and The League of Youth. Translated by R. Farquharson Sharp. 729 L Peer Gynt. Translated by R. Farquharson Sharp. 747 L A Doll's House, The Wild Duck, and The Lady from the Sea. Translated by R. Farquharson Sharp. 494 L The Pretenders, Pillars of Society, and. Rosmersholm. Translated by R. Farquharson Sharp. 659 Jonson's (Ben) Plays. Introduction by Professor Schelling. 2 vols. 489-90 Kalidasa: Shakuntala. Translated by Professor A. W. Ryder. 629 L Keats' Poems. 101 Kingsley's (Charles) Poems. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 793 (See also FICTION and FOR YOUNG PEOPLE) L Langland's (William) Piers Plowman. 571 Lessing's Laocoon, Minna von Barnhelm, and Nathan the Wise. 843 L Longfellow's Poems. Introduction by Katherine Tynan. 382 L Marlowe's Plays and Poems. Introduction by Edward Thomas. 383 L Milton's Poems. Introduction by W. H. D. Rouse. 384 (See also ESSAYS) Minor Elizabethan Drama. Vol. I. Tragedy. Selected, with Introduction. by Professor Thorndike. Vol. II. Comedy. 491-2 L Minor Poets of the 18th Century. Edited by H. I'Anson Fausset. 844 Minor Poets of the 17th Century. Edited by R. G. Howarth. 873 Moliere's Comedies. Introduction by Prof. F. C. Green. 2 vols. 830-1 L New Golden Treasury, The. An Anthology of Songs and Lyrics. 695 Old Yellow Book, The. Introduction by Charles E. Hodell. 503 L Omar Khayyam (The Rubaiyat of). Trans, by Edward Fitzgerald. 819 L Palgrave's Golden Treasury. Introduction by Edward Hutton. 96 Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 2 vols. 148-9 Poe's (Edgar Allan) Poems and Essays. Intro, by Andrew Lang. 791 (See also FICTION) Pope (Alexander) : Collected Poems. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 760 Procter's (Adelaide A.) Legends and Lyrics. 150 Restoration Plays, A Volume of. Introduction by Edmund Gosse. 604 L Rossetti's Poems and Translations. Introduction by E. G. Gardner. 627 Scott's Poems and Plays. Intro, by Andrew Lang. 2 vols. 550-1 (See also BIOGRAPHY and FICTION) L Shakespeare's Comedies. 153 L Historical Plays, Poems, and Sonnets. 154 L ,, Tragedies. 155 L, Shelley's Poetical Works. Introduction by A. H. Koszul. 2 vols. 257-8 L Sheridan's Plays. 95 Spenser's Faerie Queene. Intro, by Prof. J. W. Hales. 2 vols. 443-4 Shepherd's Calendar and Other Poems. Edited by Philip Henderson. 879 Stevenson's Poems A Child's Garden of Verses, Underwoods, Songs of Travel, Ballads. 768 (See also ESSAYS, FICTION, and TRAVEL) L Tennyson's Poems. Vol. I, 1830-56. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 44 L Vol. II, 1857-70. 626 Webster and Ford. Plays. Selected, with Introduction, by Dr. G. B. Harrison. 899 L Whitman's (Walt) Leaves of Grass (I), Democratic Vistas, etc. 573 Wilde (Oscar), Plays, Prose Writings and Poems. 858 L Wordsworth's Shorter Poems. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 203 L Longer Poems. Note by Editor. 311