Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/245

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August, that gay seashore month, promised to give the Barlow family even more than the usual gayeties of the season. The arrival of Agnes, the visit of Mr. Weston, the preparations for the wedding, added to the other happenings of the month, kept Brenda in a whirl of excitement. Nora went up to the mountains the day before the arrival of Agnes. “I should like to stay to welcome the bride that is to be, for Agnes and I are old friends,” she said, as she and Brenda and Julia paced up and down the station platform waiting for the train.

“She ’ll be disappointed not to see you; but you must promise to return for the wedding—the very first day of September.”

“We’ll see,” replied Nora. “If mamma comes down, if there’s room for me—”

“Oh, if you can come only for the day, you must be here. But I want you to keep it in mind. Mamma will arrange it. I am sure that she has some plans now, although I forgot to ask her before she went New York.”

“Well, you ’ll know the day after to-morrow just what her plans are. There, that’s the train, is n’t it? Well, good-bye, Julia, good-bye, Brenda. I ’ve had a perfectly lovely time. Oh, Brenda, don’t forget to let me know