Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/255

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“Don’t you think we might go out to Shiloh some time before autumn?” asked Brenda. “You know, Julia, that we will have to spend a day or two in town having our gowns fitted—our wedding gowns; doesn’t that sound romantic?”

As Miss South looked somewhat mystified, the cousins told her about Agnes and her approaching wedding, and Brenda waxed eloquent in her description of the way in which the whole affair would probably be carried out.

“It will be twice as much fun for us as a wedding in town, because the church is so picturesque; and it ’ll be so delightful to have a house full of guests, and all kinds of things going on. I don’t really see where we ’ll put them all.”

To return to Angelina; after Brenda had almost exhausted herself in forecasting the wedding festivities, and after Miss South had expressed the proper amount of interest in her account of things, Julia returned to the subject of Angelina.

“As Brenda has suggested it, I think that we might go up to Shiloh this month or next. I’d like very much to see the Rosas flourishing in the midst of their summer garden.”

“How near that steam yacht looks!” said Brenda; “it almost seems as if we could speak to the people on board.”

“I’m afraid that they would n’t hear you. But here, take this glass, and you ’ll be able to read the name.”

“Why, it’s the ‘Opal’!” cried Brenda. “That is