Page:Leah Reed--Brenda's summer at Rockley.djvu/309

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The opening of the boxes containing the wedding presents for Agnes had given Brenda almost ceaseless occupation for the day or two immediately before the wedding, and indeed, from their first arrival, she had taken the boxes in charge, arranging the pretty things on tables and shelves in a sitting-room that was set aside for the purpose.

“Really, Brenda, I wish that you would let Julia take charge of this,” said Agnes, mildly. “You know that you are not the most careful girl in the world, and I’m afraid that you ’ll get the cards mixed up in some way.” But Brenda had looked so grieved at the imputation that she could make a mistake in so important a matter, that Agnes had not the heart to say more. Brenda was the youngest, and the pet, and Agnes had a tender feeling as she remembered that she herself was so soon to go away, for an indefinite absence from Brenda and the rest of the family. Once or twice Brenda’s errors had been discovered through the thoughtfulness of friends who had sent a note by mail indicating the nature of their gifts. Thus old Mrs. Brown’s card, which Brenda had laid at the foot of a pair of frivolous candlesticks, was restored to its rightful place in a box of heavy silver spoons, while Miss Amsterdam’s card took its position beside the gilded candlesticks.