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I SELECTED LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF A SELECTED LIST OF THE Publications of the Manchester University Press Anatomical Series No. I. STUDIES IN ANATOMY from the Anatomical Department of the University. Vol. III. Edited bythe late Professor A. H. YOUNG, M.B., F.R.C.S. Twenty-three Plates. IDS. net. Architectural Series No. I. THE HALL I' TH' WOOD, BOLTON, LANCASHIRE. A portfolio of Measured Drawings, with a descriptive notice. Four Plates. 35. net. No. II. MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE SKETCH BOOK. No. I.: THE OLD TOWN HALL, MANCHESTER. Containing Nineteen Plates, size 13 by igi, IDS. 6d. net ; or in portfolio, izs. 6d. net. Bibliographical Series No. I. THE CATALOGUE OF THE CHRISTIE COLLECTION. Compiled under the direction of C. W. E. LEIGH, M.A. i, is. net ; 50 copies on hand-made paper, bound in half-morocco, 2, 25. net. Biological Series No. I. THE HOUSE FLY. Musca domestica (Linnaeus). By C. GORDON HEWITT, D.Sc. [Out ofj<rint. No. II. THE QUANTITATIVE METHOD IN BIOLOGY. By Professor JULIUS MACLEOD, D.Sc. Illustrated. [fn the Press. Celtic Series


>fessor J. STI 1/6/1918. No. I. AN INTRODUCTION TO EARLY WELSH. By the late Professor J. STRACHAN, LL.D. 8vo, 8s. 6d. net.