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Leaves of Grass.

I suppose the pink nipples of the breasts of women
with whom I shall sleep will touch the side of my
face the same,
But this is the nipple of a breast of my mother, always
near and always divine to me, her true child and
son, whatever comes.

7.I suppose I am to be eligible to visit the stars, in my
I suppose I shall have myriads of new experiences—
and that the experience of this earth will prove
only one out of myriads;
But I believe my body and my Soul already indicate
those experiences,
And I believe I shall find nothing in the stars more
majestic and beautiful than I have already found
on the earth,
And I believe I have this night a clew through the
And I believe I have this night thought a thought of
the clef of eternity.
8.A vast similitude interlocks all,
All spheres, grown, ungrown, small, large, suns,
moons, planets, comets, asteroids,
All the substances of the same, and all that is spiritual,
upon the same,
All distances of place, however wide,
All distances of time—all inanimate forms,
All Souls—all living bodies, though they be ever so
different, or in different worlds,
All gaseous, watery, vegetable, mineral processes—
the fishes, the brutes,