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1.What ship, puzzled at sea, cons for the true
Or, coming in, to avoid the bars, and follow the channel,
a perfect pilot needs?
Here, sailor! Here, ship! take aboard the most perfect
Whom, in a little boat, putting off, and rowing, I,
hailing you, offer.

2. What place is besieged, and vainly tries to raise the
Lo! I send to that place a commander, swift, brave,
And with him horse and foot—and parks of artillery,
And artillerymen, the deadliest that ever fired gun.


What think you I take my pen in hand to record?
The battle-ship, perfect-model'd, majestic, that I saw
pass the offing to-day under full sail ?
The splendors of the past day? Or the splendor of the
night that envelops me?
Or the vaunted glory and growth of the great city
spread around me?—No;
But I record of two simple men I saw to-day, on the
pier, in the midst of the crowd, parting the parting
of dear friends,