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Leaves of Grass.

Speeding amid the seven satellites, and the broad
ring, and the diameter of eighty thousand miles,
Speeding with tailed meteors—throwing fire-balls
like the rest,
Carrying the crescent child that carries its own full
mother in its belly,
Storming, enjoying, planning, loving, cautioning,
Backing and filling, appearing and disappearing,
I tread day and night such roads.

202.I visit the orchards of spheres, and look at the product,
And look at quintillions ripened, and look at quintillions

203.I fly the flight of the fluid and swallowing soul,
My course runs below the soundings of plummets.

204.I help myself to material and immaterial,
No guard can shut me off, nor law prevent me.

205.I anchor my ship for a little while only,
My messengers continually cruise away, or bring
their returns to me.

206.I go hunting polar furs and the seal—Leaping
chasms with a pike-pointed staff—Clinging to
topples of brittle and blue.

207.I ascend to the foretruck,
I take my place late at night in the crow's-nest,
We sail the arctic sea—it is plenty light enough,
Through the clear atmosphere I stretch around on
the wonderful beauty,