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Agricultural Rating Act, 17.
Antwerp, casual worker in, 20.
Arrangement of houses, 41.

Belgium, transit facilities in, 18.
———unemployment in, 21.
Benoit Levy, 42.
Birmingham and town-planning, 13.
Bounties, 57, 64.
———on provision of housing accommodation, 59, 60, 61.
Brussels, 21.
Builder, attitude towards housing, 11.
Building, cost of, 24.

Cambridge, housing conditions in, 40.
Casual labour, 30.
Casual worker in Belgium, 20.
Character and health affected by housing conditions, 41
Cheap Trains Act of 1884, 61.
Cleanliness and order improved by personal appeal to tenants, 48.
Control over individual buildings, 43.
"Co-partnership Tenants Ltd." 26.

Disease, spread of, 5.

Garden City, development of the, 16.
———plots and the casual worker, 23.
———suburbs, history of, 19.
Germany, difference in arrangement of houses in, 41.
———conditions of town-planning in, 44.
Golder's Green, Garden Suburb of, 40.