Page:Lectures on the French Revolution of John Acton.djvu/388

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Chauvelin, 318-19 Choiseul, Due de, 181, 185 Cholet, battle of, 313 Chouans, Chouannerie, 302, 303, 339- 340 Clerfayt, 216-17, 221-2 Clermont, Count Tonnerre de, 82, 98, 102, 230 Clermont, 188-90 Cloots, Anacharsis, 277 Coburg, Prince of, 320, 325-6, 328 Coffinhal, 294, 297, 299 Collot, 289, 292 Conde", 325 Condorcet, 261, 267-8 Cook, Captain, 149 Corday, Charlotte, 265-7, 349 Cordeliers, the, 128, 227, 229 Cormatin, 335, 341 Corsica, 322 Cottereau, 302 Courier, Paul Louis, 348 Courmenin, 354 Couthon, 286, 297-8 Croker, 350 Custine, 220, 253 Cuvier, 357 Damas, 188, 189, 191 Danton, 84, 226, 234, 238, 241, 242-4, 257, 261, 273-8, 282-3, 3 l8 349. 3S 2 . 372 Dareste, 359 Daunou, 341 Delauney, 85, 86 Delessart, 202, 208-9 Desaix, 325 Deseze, 252 Desmoulins, Camille, 84, 226, 248, 280, 282 Diderot, 31 Domat, 2 Dreux-Bre'ze', 74 Drouet, 186-8, 191-2 Droz, 346-7, 350 Dumouriez, 209, 215, 221, 222-3, 262, 319. 366 Dunkirk, 320, 326 Dupont de Nemours, 51, 6a, 116 Duport, 98, 99, 100, 155 Flgalite", Prince, 221 Eglantine, Fabre de, 277 Elbe"e, de, 303, 305 Elizabeth, Princess, 181, 246 fcmigrds, the, 129, 178, 201, 240, 260, 313-14, 338-40 Estaing, Count, 127, 136 Favras, Marquis de, 145 Ftderts, the, 229 F6nelon, 3, 4 Fersen, Count, 176, 182-4, JSS, 206 213, 365-7 Feuillants, 194, 226, 230 Fleurus, battle of, 290, 328 Fontenoy, Madame de, her note to Tallien, 293 Fouch6, 289 ff. , 324 Foulon, 90 Fouquier-Tinville, 332, 335 Fox, 259, 320 Francis, king of Hungary, 209 Franklin, 126 Frederic William, 211, 219 Fre'ron, 226 Gabourd, Ame'de'e, 354 Garat, 254 Genoude, 353 George III., 202, 259, 320, 329 Gobel, 171, 277 Godoy, Manuel, 329 Goethe, 218 Goguelat, 189 Gouvion, General, 182-3 Gower, Lord, 155, 318 Gregoire, bishop of Blois, 171, 278 Grenville, 318, 320 Guadeloupe, 322 Guizot, 355 Gustavus III., 178 Guyot, bishop of Agra, 309 Hamilton, Alexander, 34, 36 Hanriot, 295-6, 299 Hauranne, Duvergier de, 357, 359-60 Hayti, island of, 322 He'bert, 272, 276, 281 Herbois, Collot de, 247, 274, 295, 333, 335 Hervilly, de, 236, 238, 338 Hoche, 244 Hohenlohe, 329 Holland, 260, 329 Hood, Lord, 315 Howe, Lord, 322 Hunolstein, 363 Isnard, 205, 228, 337 Jansenists, the, 2, 169 Jefferson, 92, 126 Jourdan, 326, 328 Joyeuse, Villaret, 322-3 Jurieu, 2 Kaiserslautern, battle of, 329