Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/46

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Ad maculam.Gif poc sy on eagan, nim mærcsapan & hinde meolc, mæng tosomne & swingc, læt standan oð hit sy hluttor, nim þonne þæt hluttre, do on ða eagan, mid godes fultume he sceal aweg. þis is seo æðeleste eahsealf fol. 131 b.
Ad omnes pestilentias oculorum.
wið eahwyrce & wið miste, & wið wænne, & wið weormum, & wið gicðan, & wið tyrendum eagan, & wið ælcum uncuðum geswelle, genim feferfugian blosman & ðunorclæfran blosman & dyles blosman & hamorwyrte blosman & twegra cynna wyrmod & pollegian & neoðowearde lilian & hæwene hnydelan & lufestice & dolhrunan, & geporta ða wyrta tosomne, & awyll on heortes mearge oððe on his smerwe, & menge, do ðonne on tela micel in ða eagan & smere utan & wyrm to fyre, & ðeos sealf deah wið æghwylcum geswelle to ðicganne & to smergenne, fol. 132 a.on swa hwylcum lime swa hit on bið.

Ad tussim.Wið hwostan, nim huniges tear & merces'sæd & diles'sæd, cnuca þa'sæd smale, mæng ðicce wið ðone tear, & pipera swiðe, nim ðry sticcan fulle on nihtnihstig . Wið eagena dymnesse, nim wulfes camb neoðeweardne & lege on hunig ðreo niht, nim þonne & wipa þæt hunig of, cnuca þonne an sticce ðære wyrte, wring þonne ðurh linhæwenne clað on þæt eage.

Gif eagan tyran, genim grene rudan, cnuca smale & wes mid doran hunige oððe mid dunhunige, wring þurh linenne clað on þæt eage swa lange fol. 132 b.swa him ðearf sy. Se man se ðe biþ on healsoman, nime healswyrt & wudamerce & wudafillan, & streawbergean wisan, & eoforþrotan & garclifan, & isenheardan butan ælcan isene genumen, & æðelferðþincwyrt & cneowholen & bradbisceopwyrt & brunwyrt, gesomnige ealle þas