Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/57

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bunches of ivy berries, and take ash rind and twigs of willow and oak rind and myrtle rind and crabtree rind and rind of sallow and leaves of woodbind, all these rinds shall be taken from the lower and eastward parts of the trees, scrape all these rinds together, and boil in holy water till they become pretty nesh; then put the worts into a mortar, pound them all together, then take harts grease and bucks grease and old wine boiled down, and bulls grease and bears grease and rams grease, let one melt them all together, and pour them into a round lump; then let one collect together all the bones, which can be gathered, and beat the bones with an iron axe, and seethe and skim off the grease, work it down to a round lump, then let him take old butter and boil the worts and the rinds, all put together, when it is enough boiled, then set it down, then scrape all the grease into a pan, as big as the quantity of salve thou mayst wish to have, and thou canst reduce to a tar, set it over the fire, let it soak, not boil too much, till it be enough, strain through a cloth, set it again over the lire, then take nine cloves of hallowed garlic, pound in wine, wring through a cloth, shive the wort myrrhis into it, and holy water from the fount, and wax and burning sty rax and white incense, then pour the salve in, as much as may make three eggshells full, then take old soap and marrow of an old ox, and marrow of an eagle, then put in the gums above named, and mingle, then stir with a spoon of quickbeam till it be brown, then sing over it Benedictus Dominus Deus meus, and then the other Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel and the Magnificat and the Credo in unum, and the prayer, Matthseus, Marcus, Lucas, Iohannes. Be the sore where it may, let one smudge on the salve, especially on the head.

13. If there be a pock in the eyes, take verdigris and a hinds milk, mingle together and whip up, let it