Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/62

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& gegnid feowertig fol. 144 a.lybcorna & ado þonne into ðæm wyrtum, læt standan þreo niht, syle drincan ær uhton lytelne scænc fulne þæt se drænc sy ðe ær geleored.

Þridde utyrnende drænc, wyl secg & glædenan neoðewearde in suran ealað, asih þonne, lege eft in niwe, læt ane niht inne beon, syle drincan.

Wyrc spiwdrænc, wyl hwerhwettan in wætere, læt weallan lancge, asih þonne healfne bollan, gegnid hundeahtatig libcorna in þone drænc.

Wyrc oðerne of beore & of fol. 144 b.feowertig lybcorna, ado seofontene pipercorn gif ðu wille.

Spiwdrænc, ado in beor oððe in win finul, læt standan ane niht, syle drincan. Wyrc sealfe wið heafodwærce & wið liðwyrce & wið eahwyrce & wið wenne & wið ðeore, genim eolonon & rædic, wermod & bisceopwyrt, cropleac, garleac & holleac, ealra efenfela, gecnuca, wyl in buteran, & celleðenian & reade netelan, ado in æren fæt, læt ðærin oþþæt hit hæwen sy, asih ðurh clað, smyre mid þæt heafod & ða leomu þær hit sar sy. Wið sidwærce, betonican, fol. 145 a.bisceopwyrt, eolonan, rædic, ompran ða ðe swimman, marufian, grundeswylie, cropleac, garleac, rude, hindhæleðe, ealhtre, hune, seoð in buteran, smyre mid ða sidan, him bið sel.

Wyrc briw wið lungenadle, wyll in buteran þas wyrte & scearfa smale, cropleac ærest, wyl hwile, ado ðonne hrædic in & eolonan & beren mela & hwites sealtes fela, wyl loncge, & hatne ete. Wyrc oðerne, wyl in buteran giðhrofan, attorlaðan, betonican, mænc ealle tosomne, ado syððan ofer fyr.