Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/84

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Gi þin heorte ace[1] nim ribban & wyl on meolce drinc nygon morgenas þe bið sona sel. 7

fol. 167 a.Wið weorh man sceal niman VII lytle oflætan swylce man mid ofrað & writtan þas naman on ælcre oflætan maximianus malchus · iohannes · Martinianus · dionisius · constantinus · Serafion · þænne eft ꝥ galdor ꝥ her æfter cweð man sceal singan · ærest · on ꝥ wynstre eare · þænne on þæt swiðre eare þænne ufan[2] þæs mannes moldan · & ga þænne an mæden man to & fol. 167 b.ho hit on his sweoran & do man swa þry dagas · him bið sona sel her com in gangan · in spider wiht hæfde him his haman on handa cwæð ꝥ þu his hæncgest wære lege þe his teagean sweoran ongunnan him of þæm lande liþan · sona swa hy of þæm lande coman þa ongunnan him þa͏̋[3] colian þa com in gangan deores sweostar þa geændade heo · & aðas swor ðæt næfre þis ðæm[4] adlegan derian ne moste ne þæm þe þis galdor begytan mihte · oððe þe þis galdor ongalan cuþe · amen fiað. ¶ Her syndon læcedomas fol. 168 a.wið ælces cynnes omum & onfeallum bancoþum · eahta & twentige.

Grenes merces leaf gecnucude mid æges ꝥ hwite & ecedes dræstan smyre on þa stowe þær ꝥ sar sy. ¶ Wið omum & blegnu[m] · cristus natus ááuis[5] sc͏͞s a xps passus ááuis[5] · a xp͏͞s resurrexit a mortuis ááuis[5] sc͏͞s áá suptare poteris. ¶ wið omum & ablegnedum sur meolc wyrce cealre & beþe mid cealre eft · genim beor dræstan & sapan · & æges ꝥ hwite & ealde grut lege on wið omena fol. 168 b.geswelle. ¶ Eft wið omena geberste sitte on cealdum wætere oððæt hit adeadad sy teoh þonne up sleah þonne feower scearpan ymb þa

  1. Glossed Ad cardiacos.
  2. hufan, MS.
  3. Interlined ðah.
  4. ðǣ is interlined.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Here ááuis represents ἅγιος.