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now shows that in all countries it must experience (and has already begun to experience) a struggle before it grows and strengthens towards the victory of Communism. The struggle is, first and foremost, with the opportunism and social-chauvinism of the "Menshevik" element in its particular country; secondly, the struggle is, in some sort, with "Left" Communism. The first stage of this struggle has developed itself in all countries, without, it seems, a single exception, as the fight between the Second (now practically killed) and Third Internationals. The second stage of the struggle can be observed in Germany, in England, in Italy and in America (at least a certain part of the Industrial Workers of the World and the anarcho-syndicalist elements in America defend the errors of "Left" Communism side by side with an almost general, almost unconditional acceptance of the Soviet system). This phase of the struggle can also be observed in France, where the hostile attitude of a part of the former Syndicalists towards the political party and parliamentary action exists side by side with the recognition of the Soviets. This similarity makes the struggle against "Left" Communism not only international but also world-wide in its scope.

But, while it everywhere goes through substantially the same training school for victory over the bourgeoisie, the Labor movement of each country effects this development after its own manner. The big advanced capitalist countries progress along the road much more rapidly than did the Bolsheviks, who were granted by history a period of fifteen years to prepare for victory as an organized political force. The Third International, within the short space of one year, has already scored a decisive victory, has defeated the yellow, social-chauvinist Second International. Only a few months ago the latter was incomparably stronger than the Third; it appeared stable and potent; it enjoyed support from all sides, direct material assistance (Ministerial posts, passports, the Press) as well as the moral support of the bourgeoisie all over the world. To-day it is dying.

The main thing now is that the Communists of each country should, in full consciousness, study both the fundamental problems of the struggle with opportunism and "Left" doctrinair-