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Near eleven o'clock that forenoon, Henry Cope saw Benton King passing his store. Immediately he hurried out, calling to the young man.

"Hey, Bent!" he cried. "Want to see ye a minute. Come back here, will ye?"

King came back.

"What's the matter, Mr. Cope? You seem somewhat disturbed."

"Come inter my office, won't ye? I want to ask you a few questions. 'Twon't take long."

King glanced at his watch. He was wearing a woolen shirt and his ordinary mill clothes, but even in such common toggery he was a rather handsome young fellow.

"All right," he said; "I've got ten minutes to spare."

He was speculating a bit as he followed the storekeeper into the cramped private office.

"Set down," invited Cope.

"I prefer to stand, if you don't mind."