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but I assure you that it was not I. But it is quite evident that I was not wrong in believing I knew Mr. Locke; he is Hazelton, of Princeton—isn't he?"

"Now, that don't have nothin' to do with it. I told ye before when you asked me that you'd have to go to somebody else to find out."

"Which was practically a confession that I had scored a bull's-eye. I was right."

Cope puckered his face and rapped impatiently on his desk with his knuckles.

"Well, now, s'pose you was right, do you want to make a heap of trouble for the team by publishin' it and gittin' us mixed up with Bancroft in a fuss over him? Was that your objec'? Is that the way you help your own town team to down them Bullies?"

"Hardly. I had quite a different object, believe me. What it was does not concern you at all, Cope; it's my own affair. However, if the fellow has been using Bancroft as a cat's-paw to help him squeeze Kingsbridge for a fancy salary, it will serve him right if he gets it in the neck, and finds himself barred from both teams. That's the way I look at it."

Cope sprang to his feet excitedly, almost choking in the effort to utter the words which rushed