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once, and says he has already notified you of his claim."

"Oh, yes, he's notified me, in a way; and I practically told him where he could go. It's a put-up job to gouge us out of a pitcher that's got the whole o' Bancroft scared pea green. We've got 'em goin', and they're afraid they can't beat us on the level, so, arter their usual style, they put up a job to weaken us by stealin' our pitcher. That's Bancroft out an' out, and Mike Riley's a good tool to work the trick for them; but he can't work it—he can't, I tell ye!"

"Doubtless you know more about the merits of the case than I do," said Hutchinson calmly; "for you signed this man who calls himself Locke. Riley says Locke is a Princeton College pitcher by the name of Hazelton. How about that?"

"Riley thinks he's wise," returned Cope evasively, "but mebbe he don't know as much as he's got a notion he does. Anyhow, whether Locke is Hazelton or not, I'm dead sure Bancroft ain't got no legal claim to him."

"I hope you're right, of course, for Locke seems to be a fairly good pitcher."

"Fairly good—fairly! Why, he's a ripper, a bird, a wonder! His match ain't never pitched the horsehide in these parts."