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  • elton shall be suspended indefinitely for tricky

work. That will put an end to his meteoric career in these parts. All that was needed was proof positive that the man was Hazelton, and I have it."

"When will he be suspended?"

"Some time this present week, when a meeting of the league association will be called in Bancroft especially to consider his case. Doubtless you know that Riley has already served notice on us that all games won by Kingsbridge with Locke on the mound will be protested. As a pitcher around here, the fellow is as good as a dead one this minute. He has killed himself in college baseball, also."

"Which serves him right. But what will Kingsbridge do for a first-class pitcher?"

"I have one man coming, and another on the string. The first one I expect to arrive by Tuesday or Wednesday, at the latest. If I am left to manage this team, with no interference from Cope, I'll manage it right. He has messed things up beautifully and given us a bad start."

They talked until the scheming manager saw that King, though brooding, had calmed down; then, satisfied with what he had accomplished he unlocked the door.