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Fearing what she might think of him for dealing with a man like Hutchinson, he dared not tell her just how the knowledge had come to him; but he swore it was true, that he knew it was true, and begged her to believe him.

"And, though he has denied it, he is Paul Hazelton. They have the absolute proof, and Mike Riley holds a letter of his that will bar him from baseball in the Northern League. There'll be a meeting called this very week, and he'll be suspended."

"I do not believe it, I told you not to speak to me again about him until you could show proof that—"

"I can! I have it here!"

Exultantly he produced the letter and photograph; the latter he held before her eyes, and she looked at it, speechless.

"The picture of Paul Hazelton, of Princeton," he said. "Does it resemble Mr. Tom Locke?"

"Where—where did you get it?" she asked in