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As Locke walked calmly toward the bench he found Captain Stark at his side, laughing. "You pulled outer that hole in great shape, old man," said Larry; "but you sure had us all leery to start with. I reckoned you was plumb up in the air."

"I was," admitted the pitcher unhesitatingly; "but I managed to get my feet under me after a while."

His face was no longer pale; the color had returned to his cheeks, and a flickering smile played at the corners of his fine mouth.

Henry Cope, beaming, made room for the players on the bench. "I knowed it," he said. "I tole 'em so."

Having unemotionally watched the new pitcher approach, Manager Hutchinson spoke to Stark. "See if you can't start something right away," he directed. "Mebbe we'll get 'em going if we score the first time up."

Larry nodded, and whispered hastily to the