Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/103

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SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 9 Deserved Praise. The celebrated legal author and critic, Prof. Dr. Ch. G. Konig, of Berne, Switzerland, writes the publisher as follows: — "I have just finished my review of Mr. Schouler's 'Law of Wills,' a very remarkable treatise, especially the chapters treating the validity of wills exe- cuted by insane persons. These have much in common with the celebrated book of ' Legrand des Saule sur les Testaments contestes pour cause de folie,' i Paris, 1879. Mr. Schouler seems to be a jurist of great learning and of a very | good school." A Brief Versified Will. — The Irish Law Times of Dec. 17, 1887, quotes as follows from an East Indian paper : " The will of the late Mr. Davidson, proprietor of the Glenview Hotel, Coonoor, was proved in the High Court yesterday. Though Mr. D. was no lawyer, he has excelled the great conveyancer of the same name in making a 1 form of will more concise than any in the book of Concise Precedents. It reads as follows : — " ■ As to the wordly goods I have in store, I leave all to my dear wife for evermore. I freely give. I' will no limit fi.x. This is my will, and she e.xecutri.x.' " An American Number. — The October number of The Law (Quar- terly Review has, among other articles, "Definition of Fraud," by Melville M. Bigelow, of Boston; "Receivers' Certificates," by Charles F. Beach, Jr., of New York; and "Determinable Fees," written jointly by Prof. John C. Gray, of the Harvard Law School, Cambridge, and H. W. Challis, of England. Although published in England, this ex- cellent magazine thus takes an American tinge, and becomes doubly valuable to its many readers on this side of the ocean. The Law Quarterly Review has taken a firm hold in this country. Of all the American subscribers, only three have discontinued their subscriptions for 1888. Is this not a remarkable showing A Mare's Nest Found. — An esteemed correspondent writes that in examining Vol. V. of Chitty's Equity Digest for a question of in- terpleader, he found only the apparently absurd reference, * INTER- PLEADER, See Interpleader. "Where," he writes, -'am I to look ? " This puzzle plunged the editorial staff of Legal Bibliography into abstruse study, until it was suggested that Vol. V. was entirely given over to one subject, " Practice and Pleading," and that the refer- ence might be from " Interpleader," as a sub-topic under that subject, to " Interpleader " as a full title elsewhere. Sure enough, on page 3122 of Vol. IV. was found the title fully treated : and the puzzle was solved. A Jovial Tutor. — An old lawyer says of The Comic Blackstone: "The average student can learn more law in a day from that book than he can from the original in a month. It makes an impression on his memory." The dean of a Western law school — one of the most pro- found scholars in America — relates that the same book helped him through a severe examination in his student days. He was asked a ques- | tion on Blackstone, and clean forgot what the answer should be : but j the words of The Comic Blackstone rose in his mind, and he desper- ately uttered them. " Where did you get that from?" asked the ques- tioner. The book was brought, and the examiner became so interested in it that he adjourned the session and forgot to censure the student. The Selden Society. — This new Society, formed " To encourage the Study and advance the Knowledge of the History of English Law, has awakened a great deal of interest in the United States. Our country is well represented among the Councillors; and the following are among the " Honorary Secretaries : " — General Secretary : Prof. James B. Thayer, Cambridge, Mass. Massachusetts : Rockwood Hoar. 9 P. O. Block, Worcester : C. C. Soule, Freeman Place Chapel, Boston. Rhode Island: Amasa M. Eaton, Providence. New York : Alexander Tison, 7 Fifth Avenue. New York. Pennsylvania : Abram H. Winterstein, 402 Walnut Street. Phila. Johns McCleave, 82 Bakewell Building, Pittsburg. Ohio: Joseph D. Brannan, 30 West 4th Street, Cincinnati; Wm. E. Gushing, Mercantile Bank Building, Cleveland. Minnesota : Henry B. Wenzell, National German American Bank Building, St. Paul. The annual subscription is one guinea ($5.15). which entitles the mem- ber to the publications of the Society. Circulars giving further information can be obtained from any of the local secretaries. ] WANTED FOR CASH OR IN TRADE. Mr. Soule wants to buy any of the volumes mentioned below, at fair prices for cash or in exchange for other books. If you have broken sets or duplicates on your shelves which you can spare, write to him and give a list of them : — United States Circuit Court: Sawyer, 10 vols.; Cranch, vol. 2 (or set of 6 vols.). United States Statutes at Large, vols. 14, 15, 16, 17. National Bankruptcy Register Reports, vol. 18 ; and the parts of vol. 19. Alabama, vols. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 23, 33, 53. Arkansas : vols. 4, 5, 16, 21 ; and English, vols, i, 4, 7. Connecticut : Root, 2 vols. ; or vol. 2 separately. Delaware, any volume, especially Harrington, vol. 4. Florida, a set, or any odd volumes. Georgia : T. U. P. Charlton ; Georgia Decisions ; Georgia, vols. 18, 19, 20, 23, 24. 27. 3'> 32, 33; Supplement to 33, 34, 35, 40, to last volume published. Louisiana: Martin, ist Series, original edition, 12 vols.; Martin, ist Series, vol. 10; and New Series, vol. 7 ; Louisiana Annuals, vols. 2, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15 (or any other volumes at low prices) ; McGloin, Part 4. Maryland : Harris and Johnson, vol. 4. Mississippi : Walker; or Miss., vols. 34, 41, 42 ; or recent volumes. Missouri : vols. 10, 22, 35 ; or Mo. Appeals, any volume after vol. 6. New Brunswick: Chipman ; Allen, vol. 2 ; Kerr, vol. 3. New Hampshire: vols. 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 45; or Smith. North Carolina : Murphy, 3 vols. ; Devereux's Law, vol. 4 any volume ot Iredell's Law or Equity; Jones's Law, vols. 2, 3, 8 ; Jones's Equitv, vol. 3 ; Winston's Law or Equity ; N. C, vols. 73 to date. Pennsylvania: Delaware County Reports, vol. i. South Carolina : Constitutional Reports by Mills, 2 vols. ; Rice's Law and Equity; Spear's Equity; Richardson's Law, vols. I, 2, 4, 5, 6; Richard- son's Equity, vols, i to 9 ; South Carolina, New Series, vol. 5 to date. Tennessee : Coldwell, vols. 5 and 7. Texas : vols. 7, 15, 26, 39, 40, 45, 47, 49, 51, or later volumes ; Te.xas Appeals, vol. 8, and later volumes. Vermont: Brayton ; D. Chipman, vol. 2; Aiken, 2 vols.; Vermont, vols, i, 2, 3. 4. 5. 7> 9, 12, 13, 15. Virginia: Grattan, vol. 15. English Law and Equity Reports, vols. 28, 29, and 30. Sumner's Vesey Junior, vol. 9. Also, Early Session Laws of any of the States or Territories, especiallv Massachusetts. PERIODICALS WANTED. Have you on your shelves, or stowed away in closets, any bound vol- umes or odd numbers of any of the law magazines, old or new ? If so, do not burn them up, or sell them as old paper, but send a memorandum of what you have to Mr. Soule, who may be able to buy them for cash or to give useful law books in exchange for them. Generally speaking, the widely circulated magazines, like "The American Law Register," " The American Law Review," "The Reporter " (current), " The Albany Law Journal," "The Central Law Journal" (except the early volumes of the two latter), turn up so often that they have very little commercial value. But the local law journals, and the ephemeral magazines that live only for a few numbers, such as the " Baltimore Law Transcript," " The Law News," of St. Louis, "The Memphis Law Journal," " The San Francisco Law Bulletin," "The Texas Law iVIagazine," "The Southern Law Journal and Reporter," are harder to get, and usually have some value, even in odd volumes. If you have any such, it may be worth your while to offer them at once, before this query calls out a supply greater than the very small demand for such literature, — a demand confined to a few large libraries. Just at present Mr. Soule especially wants : — Cincinnati Law Bulletin, vols, i and 2. American Law Times (the paper, not the reports), vols, i, 5, and 6. Hall's Journal of Jurisprudence, vol. i. Legal G.zette (Philadelphia), No. 19 of vol.8. Legal Intelligencer (Philadelphia), early volumes. New York Daily Register, early volumes. Pittsburgh Legal Journal, earlv volumes. Southern Law Review (old series) vol. 3. Western Law Monthly, vol. 5. U. S. L.vw Journ.vl & Civilians' Ma(;azine, vol. 2. Ohio L.a.w Journal, vol. i. GuiGON & Sand's Quarterly Law Journal. Copp's Land Owner, first five volumes. And generally, full sets or odd volumes of almost any current or defunct law journals or proceedings of Bar Associations.