Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/106

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"AMERICAN LAW SERIES. 53 REPRINTS OF STANDARD ENGLISH LAW BOOKS, WITH FULL AMERICAN NOTES. ALL ORISINAL TEXT AND PAGING PRESERVED. ANNOTATED TO DATE BY ABLE AND EXPERIENCED AMERICAN LAIVYERS. Twelve Volumes for $15. OO. This is a Series of Twelve Volumes Annually (one volume per month) which will contain not less than Nine Thousand pages bound in flexible leatherette, containing: ADDISON ON CONTRACTS, 3 vols. J English Edition, 1883 ; American Edition, 1888. Editors, benjamin vaughan abbott and Horace g. wood, of th< New York Bar. , •■ LINDLEY ON Vol. I, January, 1888. > Vol. 2, February, 1888. Vol. 3, March, 1888. PARTNERSHIP, 2 vols. English Edition, 1888 ; American Edition, 1888. Editor, Hon. Alonzo B. Wentworth. LEWIN BENJ. VAUGHAN ABBOTT. ON TRUSTS AND TRUS-TEES, 2 vols. English Edition, 1885 ; American Edition, 1888. Editor, JAME.S H. Flint.


ON English Edition, 1883 ; American Edition, 1888. Editor, James M. Kerr. SALES, 2 vols. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS AND SAMPLE PAGES. LEADING CASES, 3 vols. English Edition, 1887; American Edition, 1888. Editor, Franklin Fiske Heard. SUBSCRIPTION, FIFTEEN DOLLARS PER YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ORDERS RECEIVED BY Charles C. Soule, Boston, Mass., for New England. L. K. Strouse & Co., New York, ) ^- , -Dv^^vKm ' For New York City and Brooklyn. E. M. DoRNiN, New York, ) Ed. M. Veghte, Somerville, N. J., for New Jersey. Williamson & Higbie, Rochester, N. Y., for State of New York. I M. CuRLANDER, for Maryland and District of Columbia. Bancroft- Whitney Co., for Pacific Slope. CHARLES H. EDSON & CO., Publishers. 137 PEARL STREET, BOSTON, MASS.