Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/113

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Clearance List of Special Bargains. [ Sound second-hand sheep, calf, or half-calf bindings, unless otherwise specified. When cash accompanies the order, Mr. Soule will pay expenses of delivery anywhere in the United States; otherwise, purchaser is expected to pay freight and C. O. D. charges. Prices are all net cash, without discount.] AMERICAN REPORTS, ETC. CONNECTICUT REPORTS (viz., Kirby, 1vol.; Root, L' l> ; Mils.; Connecticut, 55 vols.; in all, C2 vm1>. i $n.;.o<>. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT REPORTS, Lawyers' Co-operative Edition, 126 vols, in 31, Witll Vi.l~ nt |li-,.>t. $1 1I>.(»0. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT REPORTS, Lawyers' Co-operative Edition, vols. 1-57 (Dal- la>, rr.iiii li, Wlieatou, Peters, and 1-16 Howard) in 14 CURTIS'S DECISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT (Dallas, Cranch, Wlieatnii, I', and 1-17 Howard), in 22 vols., rather slKibliv bindiiiu' $'i'i.O<>. MISSOURI APPEALS REPORTS, vols. 1-16. $:i-'.<KK NEW JERSEY REPORTS, Original Edition, lot of 30 vols, (viz., Coxe; Pennington, 2 vols.; Southard, 2 vols. ; Halsted, T vols. ; Green, 3 vols. ; Harrison, 4 vols. ; Spencer; Saxton; H.W. Green, 3vols.; Halsted's Chancery, 4 vols. ; Stockton, vols. 1 and 2). $30.00. SOUTH CAROLINA REPORTS, lot of 28 vols, (viz.. Bay, 2 vols. ; Brevard, vols. 2 and 3; Nott & McCord, 2 vols. ; McCord, 4 vols. ; McCord's Equity, 2 vols ; Harper; Bailey, vol.2; Bailey's Equity ; Hill, vol. 3; Hill's Chancery, 2 vols. ; Dudley ; Cheves's Law and Equity; MoMullan, 2 vols.; McMuIIan's Equity; Speers, 2 vols. ; Desaussure, vols 1 and 2. .$40.00. LOT OF LEADING MAGAZINES (viz., American Law Keview, vols. 1-12, 1866-1878 ; American Law Reg- ister, new series, vols. 1-16, 1861-1877 ; The Reporter, vols. 1-15, 1876-1883), 43 vols., bound ; a tine collection of recent cases and articles. $30.00. UNITED STATES DIGEST, Latest Edition, to 1876 (First Series, with Table of Cases, 15 vols. ; Annual, 1870-1876, 7 vols.), 22 vok. .$44.00. UNITED STATES DIGEST, Original Edition, to 1869, 31 vols-, mainly annuals. $15.00. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH RAILWAY CASES. 25 vols., and 2 vols, of Digest. $80.00. THE LAW LIBRARY (American reprint of English text- books, 1833-1860), 100 vols., rather shabby hinding. $.-,o.oo. ENGLISH REPORTS, ETC. ENGLISH .CHANCERY REPORTS, American rejirint, 1828-18.54 (first 13 vols, of the "Condensed" Editiuiii, 43 vols. $43.00. ENGLISH EXCHEQUER REPORTS (American re- |.ri)ii, l>j-t 'i:>). 47 vols. $75.00. K. B. REPORTS — Adolphus and Ellis, 12 vols., and nil.-, II , h, 18 vols., American reprint, 30 vols. $30.00. COMMON BENCH REPORTS, Both Series, 1846- ISGi;, American reprint, 37 vols. $75.00. LAW JOURNAL REPORTS AND STATUTES, from 1823 down to the beginning of the Law Reports, in 1865; 93 vols. $250.00. THE JURIST (Reports), 1837-1867; complete set; rather shabby binding ; 55 vols. .$100.00. THE LAW TIMES AND REPORTS, 1843-1858; 34 ^ols. folio, cloth (being the whole of the series to the beginning of tlie Law Times Reports, new series). $75.00. MOAK'S ENGLISH REPORTS, vols. 1-17 (reprint of best cases in The Law Reports), 1866-1876. $10.00. PETERSDORFF'S ABRIDGMENT OF ENGLISH LAW, :.'n 1825, rather shabby binding. $10.00. THE YEAR BOOKS, 10 vols., folio, A. D. 1596, etc. $'i5.00. STATE TRIALS, Hargrave's Edition, 11 vols, in 6, folio. $15.00. FRENCH WORKS. MEJAN: RECUEIL DES CAUSES CEL^BRES, 21 vols., 1S08. $15. OO. DELAPORTE, ETC.: LES PANDECTES FRAN- CAISES, 22 V..K, 1n«, $15.00. MERLIN:, REPERTOIRE UNIVERSEL ET RAI- SONNE DE JURISPRUDENCE, 27 vols., 1827, etc. (shabby binding). $35.00. REPERTOIRE UNIVERSEL ET RAISONNE DE JURISPRUDENCE, 64 vols., 1775 ; Supplement, 17 veils., 1786; in all, 81 vols. $25. OO. DALLOZ ET VERGE: JURISPRUDENCE GE- NERALE, 1869-1879; 11 annual volumes, quarto. $-iO.OO. ONE DOLLAR PER VOLUME. Abbott's United States Practice, 2 vols , 1869. Addison on Contracts, 1857. Addison on Torts, Students' Edition, 1870. American Railway Cases (Smith and Bates), 2 vols., 1854. Angell on Fire Insurance, 1854. Angell and Ames on Corporations, 5th ed., 1855. Bacon's Abridgment, 7 vols., Dubhn, 1792. Barbour's Criminal Law, 1841. Barbour on Parties, 1864 Barton's Suit in Kquity, 1870. ONE DOLLAR, continued. Bayley on Bills, 1836. Benedict's Admiralty, 1850. Bonney on Railway Carriers, 1864. Booth on Real Actions, 1808. Chamberlin's American Commercial Law, 1869. Chitty on Bills, 10th ed., 1842. Cliitty on Contracts, 8th ed., 1851. Chitty's Criminal Law, 4 vols., 1819. Chitty's General Practice, 2 vols., 1834. CoUyer on Partnership, 3d ed., 1848. Conkling's U. S. C. Practice, 1864. Cooper's Institutes of Justinian, 1812. Crocker's Notes on Mass. General Statutes, 2d ed., 1875. Curtis on Patents, 3d ed., 1867. Curtis's U. S. C. Practice, Vol. I. (all published), 1854. Davis on Building Societies (English), 188", cloth. Eden on Injunctions, by Waterman, 2 vols., 1852 Edwards on Bills and Notes, 2d ed. , 1863. Flanders on Maritime Law, 1852. Flanders on Shipping, 1853. Farren's Bill in Chancery, 1845. Glasgow Bank Cases, by Couper, 1879, cloth. Green's Ohio Supreme Court Practice, 1877. Green's Ohio Townships and Town Officers, 2d ed , 1882. Greenlears Cruise on Real Property, 7 vols, in 3, 1849 Guy's Medical Jurisprudence, 1845. Hardcastle's Life of Lord Campbell, 2 vols. , 1881, cloth Hill's Chancery Practice (llUnois), 1873. Hill's Probate Guide (Illinois), 2d ed., 1875. Jacob's Law Dictionary, 6 vols., 1811. Jarman on Wills, 2 vols. , 1845. Law's Patent and Copyright Digest, 1870. Littleton and Blatchley's Fire Insurance Digest, 2d ed., 1868. Morris on Replevin, 1849. Moses on Mandamus, 1866. Oliver's Conveyancing, 2d ed., 1836. Oliver's Precedents, 2d ed. , 1840. Parsons on Contracts, 2 vols., 1853. Parsons on Maritime Law, 2 vols., 1859. Parsons on Mercantile Law, 1856. Parsons's Rights of a Citizen, 1875. Phillips on Evidence, 4 vols., 4th ed., 1839. Phillips on Insurance, 2 vols., .3d ed., 1853. Phillips's U. S. S. C. Practice, 1872 Pliillips's U. S. S. C. Manual of Decisions, 1882. Pierce on Railroads, 1857. Rawson's Law Lexicon, 1884, cloth. Redfield on Railways, 2 vols., 4th ed., 1869. Redfleld's American Railway Cases, 1870. Rogers's Law of the Road, 1881, cloth. Shearwood's Principles of Equity (English 1,1887, cloth. Shelford on Railways, 2 vols., 1855. Smith's Probate Law, 3d ed., 1876. Smythe on Homesteads, 1875. Stephen's Nisi Prius, 3 vols., 1843. Story's Equity Pleading, 4th ed., 1848. Williams's Personal Property, 2d ed., 1856. TWO DOLLARS PER VOLUME. Abbott's Digest of Corporations, 1869. American Leading Cases (Hare & Wallace), 2 vols . 3d ed., 1852. Angell on Carriers, 4th ed., 1868. Angell and Durfee on Highways, 2d ed., 1868 Archbold's Nisi Prius, 2 vols, in 1. 1845. Benjamin on Sales, 1874. Best on Evidence, 2 vols. (Morgan's edition ). 1881 Bliss on Life Insurance, 1872. Bouvier's Institutes, 4 vols., 1851. Broom's Legal Maxims, 4th ed., 1854. Browne's Statute of Frauds, 2d ed., 1863. Browne and Stewart's Trials for Murder by Poison- ing, 1883, cloth. Bump on Trade Marks, 1877. Burrill on Circumstantial Evidence, 1856. Burrill's Law Dictionary, 2 vols., 1850. Buswell and Wolcott, Mass. Practice, 1875. Bvles on Bills, 5th ed., 1867. Chitty's Precedents in Pleading, 2 vols , 1839 Coddington's Digest of Trade-Mark Cases, 1877 Coke on Littleton, 3 vols., 1812 (by Day). Coke on Littleton, 3 vols., 1794(by Hargrave and Butler). Coke on Littleton, 3 vols., 1836 (by Thoma."). Coler on Municipal Bonds, 2 vols. , Conkling'i Conkling's U. S. Courts, 4th ed., 1865. Cooley's Constitutional Limitations. 2d ed., 1871. Cord's Rights of Married Women, 1861. Curtis's Equity Precedents, 1850 Dane's Abridgment, with Supplement, 9 vols , 1823. Desty's Removal of Causes, 1886. Dillon's Municipal Corporations, 1872. Drake on Attachment, 3d ed., 1866. English Railway and Canal Cases, 6 vols., 1854 Etting on Admiralty Jurisdiction, 1879, cloth. Flanders on Fire Insurance, 1871. Foss's Judges of England, 1870. Greenleaf on Evidence, 3 vols.. 7th ed., 1854. Haynes's Students' Leading Cases (English), 1884, cloth. Hilliard on Injunctions, 1865. Billiard on New Trials, 1866. Hilliard on Sales, 2ded., 1860. Hilliard on Torts, 2 vols., 3d ed., 1866. Hurd's Habeas Corpus, 1858. TWO DOLLARS, continued. Jacob's Fisher's Digest of English Reports, 9 vols. Kent's Commentaries, 4 vols , 9t'i ed., 1858. Kerr on Injunctions, 1871. Lewin's Law of Trusts, 2d ed., 1858. Metcalf on Contracts, 1867. Munro on Patents, etc. (English), 1884, cloth. Newson on Shipping (English), 1883, cloth. Parsons's Bills and Notes, 2 vols., 1868. Parsons on Contracts, 2 vols., 4th ed. , 1860. Pike's History of Crime, 2 vols., 1883, cloth. Pomeroy's Constitutional Law, 3d ed. , 1877. Pomeroy's Municipal Law, 1864. Potter on Corporations, 2 vols., 1879. Redfield on Carriers, 1869. Redfield's Law of Wills, 3 vols., 2d ed , 1866. Redfield and Bigelow's Cases on Bills and Notes, 187L Reeve's Domestic Relations, 3d ed , 1862. Roscoe's Criminal Evidence, 5th ed., 1854. .Russell on Crimes, 2 vols., 8th ed., 1857- Shearman and Redfield on Negligence, 2d ed., 1870. Slater on Copyright (English), 1884, cloth. Smith's Chancery Practice, 2 vols., 1839. Smith's Leading Cases, 3 vols., 7th ed., 1872. Smith on Negligence (English), 1884, cloth Smith's Principles of Equity (English), 1882, cloth. Starkie on Evidence, 8th ed , 1860. Story on Bills of Exchange, 4th ed , 1860. Story on the Constitution, 2 vols., 3d ed.. 1858 Story's Equity Jurisprudence, 2 vol.'i. 8th ed., 1861. Taylor's Landlord and Tenant, 5th ed., 1869. Thatcher's U. S. S. C. Practice, 1882. Tidd's Practice, 2 vols., 3d ed., 1840. Tyler on Infancy, 1868. Washburn on Easements, 2d ed., 1857. Washburn on Real Property, 2 vols., 1860. Wharton's Digest of International Law, 3 vols , 1886. Wheaton's International Law, 6th ed., 1855. White and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity, 8 vols., 3d ed , 1859. WUliams on Executors, 2 vols., 5th ed., 1859. THREE DOLLARS PER VOLUME, Addison on Contracts, B. V. Abbott's Notes, 2 vols., 18: Bigelow on Estoppel, 3d ed., 1882. Bigelow on Fraud, 1877. Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases, ols.. Bishop's Criminal Law, 2 vols., 6th ed.. 1877. Bishop's Criminal Procedure, 2 vols., 1866. Bishop's Marriage and Divorce, 2 vols., 5th ed., 1873. Bisi>ham's Equity, 2d ed., 1878. Broom's Commentaries on the Common Law, 1873. Browne on Trade-Marks, 1873. Bump, Fraudulent Conveyancing, 2d ed., 1876. Cooley on Taxation, 1876. Cooley on Torts, 1880. Daniell's Chancery Pleading and Practice, 3 vols., 4th ed., 1871. Dewey, Contracts for Future Delivery, 1886. Estee's Pleading, etc., 3 vols., 1885. Freeman on Execution, 1884. Greenleaf on Evidence, 3 vols., 12th ed.. 1866. Harrison's Legislation on Insanity, 1884. Hirsh on Juries, 1879. Hughes's Equity Draftsman, 4th ed., 1861. Humphrey's Precedents, 2 vols., 1845. Jarman on Wills, Bigelow's edition, 2 vols., 1881. Kent's Commentaries, 4 vols., 11th ed., 1867. Langdell's Select Cases on Contracts, 1871. McCrary on Elections, 1880. Slews's Digest of English Criminal Cases, 1884. Mitford and Tyler's Equity Pleading, 1878. Perry on Trusts, 1872. Phillips on Mechanics' Liens, 1874. Rapalje's Federal Digest (Reports and Statutes), 1880 Rawle on Covenants for Title, 4th ed., 1873. Ray's aiedical Jurisprudence of Insanity, 4th ed., 1860 Roe's Criminal Procedure in U. S. Courts, 1887. Saunders on Pleading and Evidence, 3 vols., 1851. Schouler on Bailments, 1880. Schouler's Domestic Relations, 1870. Spear on Extradition, 1879. Story on Agenc.v, 7th ed., 1869 Story's Equity Jurisprudence, 2 vols., 11th ed.. 1873. Story on Partnership, 6th ed.. 1868. Story on Promissory Notes, 6th ed., 1868. Taylor's Private Corporations, 1884. Terrell on Patents (English), 1884, cloth. Washburn on Real Property, 3 vols., 3d ed., 1868. Wharton's American Criminal Law, 3 vols., 6th ed , 1868. AVharton's Conflict of Laws, 1872 Wharton's Law of Evidence, 2 vols., 2d ed.. 1879. Wharton's Precedents of Indictments, 2d ed.. 1857. Wood on Fire Insurance, 1878 Wood on Nuisances, 1875. FOUR DOLLARS PER VOLUME. Burroughs on Public Securities, 1881. Morris's Patents Convevancing (English), 1887, cloi Murfree on Justices' Practice, 1886. Murfree on Official Bonds, 1885 Odgers on Libel and Slander (English), 1887, cloth. Welty on Assessments, 1886.