Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/20

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6 SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. RARE AND CURIOUS BOOKS. We select from our stock, for this list, the following books not ordinarily offered for sale. All of them are sound and perfect inside, but some of the bindings are worn and battered : — Prize Appeals Cases. House of Lords, 1749 to 1752. Large folio. Calf, $10.00. Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thos. Jefferson. 8vo. Old calf Phila., iSoi. (First hot-pressed edition.) $4.00. Un Abridgment des plusieurs Cases et Resolutions del Common Ley. Per Henry Rolle, Sergeant del Ley. (Best edition.) 2 vols., 940 and 836 pp. Folio. Calf. London, 1668. $5.00. Code of Gentoo Laws; or, Ordinations of the Pundits; from a Persian translation made from the original, written in the Sanscrit Language. Illustrated with fine plates. Indorsed by Warren Hastings. 4to. Large paper. Boards. London, 1776. $3-50. Ein Ausszug und Anleittunng etlicher Keyserlichen unnd dess hejligen Romischen Reichs geschriebner Rechten : In six parts, viz. : — Keyserliche Justinianische Institutionen : Gerichtlichs Process : Von den Lehenrechten : Halssgerichtsordnung : Von Contracten : Peinlich Halssgericht. Folio, vellum. Ingoldstadt, Germany, 1500. $7.50. Idea Juris Scotici ; or, a Summary View of the Laws of Scotland. By Jas. Innes, of Symonds-Inn, Gent. 4to. Boards. In the Savoy, 1733. $2.50. Life and Letters of Joseph Story. Edited by his son, W. W. Story. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth. Boston, 1851. $5.00. Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies from the Papers of Thos. Jefferson. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. 4 vols. 8vo. Boards. Charlottes v'ille, Va., 1829. $6.00. Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamentary, with prefatory remarks by N. Chapman, M.D. With portraits. 5 vols. 8vo. Boards. Phila., 1808. $15.00. Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, with Observations. ByJoHN Hatsell. 4vols. Quarto. Vol. I., Privilege of Parliament ; Vol. II., Members, Speaker, etc.; Vol. III., Lords and Supply; Vol. IV., Con- ference and Impeachment. London, printed by Hansard, 1818. $10.00. Hughes's Quaeries; or, Choice Cases for Moots, containing several Points of Law not Resolved in the Books. By Wm. Hughes, Esq. 24mo. Old calf. London, 1675. $2.00. History of English Councils and Convocations, and of the Clergy's Sit- ting in Parliament. In which is also Comprehended the History of Parlia- ments, with an Account of our Ancient Laws. By Humphrey Hody, D.D. i8mo. Old calf. London, 1701. (Only edition.) $5.00. Oaths; their Origin, Nature, and History. By Jas. E. Tyler, B.D. i6mo. Cloth. London, 1835. $3.00. Transactions of the High Court of Chancery, both by Practice and Prec- edent, with the Fees thereunto belonging, and all Special Orders in Extraordinary Cases, etc. Collected by that famous lawyer, William Tothill, Esq. i2mo. Boards. London, 1872. Reprinted from the ed. of 1820, by Stevens & Sons. $7.50. Reports, or Causes in Chancery. Collected by Sir George Cary, one of the Masters of the Chancery, anno, 1601. Out of the labours of Mr. William Lambert. i2mo. Boards. London, 1872. Reprinted from the old ed. by Stevens & Sons. $7.50. Littleton's Tenures, in French and English. i2mo. Calf. London, 1671. $4.50. Cases and Questions Resolved in the Civil Law. By R. Zouch. 24mo. Oxford, 1652. Onlyed. Interleaved and profusely annotated. $5.50. Collectanea Juridica, consisting of Tracts, relative to the Law and Con- stitution of England. (Including a number of reports in various courts, given in full.) 2 vols. Boards. London; no date. $6.00. Law Tracts, in two volumes, by William Blackstone, Esq. i6mo. Calf. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1762. $3.00. A Complete Collection of the Lords' Protests, from the first upon Record, in the reign of Henry III., to the present time, with a copious index. To which is added an Historical Essay on the Legislative Power of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Old calf. London, 1767. $5.00. Institutio Legalis : or, an Introduction to the Study and Practice of the Laws of England. By William Bohun. 8vo. Sheep. In the Savoy, 1732. $4.00. Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey; containing a general collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc., relating to its history and antiquities. B3' John W. Bar- ber and Henry Howe. 8vo. Old calf. New York, 1844. $6.00. The English Historical Library. Giving a short view and character of most of our historians, either in print or manuscript: with an account of our Records, Law-Books, Coins, and other matters serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of England. By W. Nicholson. Folio. Old calf. London, 1714. $5.00. A History of English Law ; or. An Attempt to trace the Rise, Progress, and Successive Changes of the Common Law from the earliest period to the present time. By Geo. Crabb, Esq. 8vo. Boards. London, 1829. $2.00. The Law Dictionary: Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the English Law; defining and interpreting the Terms or Words of Art, and comprising copious information on the subjects of Law, Trade, and Government. Compiled by Giles Jacob. Corrected and enlarged by E. Tomlins. 1st Amer. from 2d Lond. ed. 6 vols. Sheep. Phila. and N. Y., 1811. S8.00. Lex Mercatoria; or, a Complete Code of Commercial Law; being a General Guide to all men in business. With an account of our Mercantile Companies, Colonies, and Factories abroad, Commercial Treaties, etc., etc. By Wyndh.m Be.awes, Esq. 4to. Boards. London, 1813. $5.00. Remarks, Critical and Miscellaneous, on the Commentaries of Sir William Blackstone. By James Sedgwick, Esq. Folio. Old calf. London, 1805. $5.00. Cases of Practice in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster, from Elizabeth to 14th of Geo. III. Selected from the books of Reports. Shew- ing the whole practice of that court, ancient and modern, and being a com- plete guide to all barristers as well as attorneys. Folio. Old calf. Lon- don, 1778. $7.50. The Rights of War and Peace. In English. By Hugo Grotius. Large folio, good edition. Old calf. London, 1738. $2.50. A New and Complete Law-Dictionary, or General Abridgment of the Law : on a more extensive plan than any Law-Dictionary hitherto pub- lished; containing not only the explanatio'n of the terms, but also the Law itself. By T. Cunningham, Esq. 2 vols. Large folio. London, 1764. $6.00. A General Abridgment of the Common Law, alphabetically digested under proper titles with notes and references to the whole. By Knightley Danvers, Esq. 2 vols. Large folio. Old calf. London, 1705. $3.00. A Law Dictionary : or, the Interpreter of Words and Terms used either in the Common or Statute Laws of Great Britain, and in Tenures and Jocu- lar Customs. By Dr. Cowell. Large folio. Old calf. In the Savoy, 1727. $5.00. SECOND-HAND TEXT-BOOKS OF THE LATEST EDITIONS. We make a specialty of keeping in stock the latest editions of text-books, second-hand, which are practically as good as new to the lawyer, and are less expensive. Among them we now have the following. The condition is indicated by the letters, — a for excellent ; b for good ; c for shabby. a. Addison on Contracts. 3d American from the 7th London edition of Lewis W. Cave. Morgan's Notes. 3 vols. 8vo. 1878. $9.00. b. Addison on Torts. Abridged. i2mo. 1872. $1.50. b. Bishop on theLaw of Married Women. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873. $7-50. a. Bump on Federal Procedure. A reference book of rules, forms, with notes referring to all decisions reported to January i, 18S1, by Orlando F. Bump, author cf Works on Bankruptcy, Patents, Fraudulent Conveyanc- ing, etc. 8vo. 1881. $5.75. a. Burroughs on Public Securities. Including Bonds and other Obliga- tions. 8vo. 1881. $5.00. a. Chitty on Contracts, i ith Amer. edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1874. $9-00. a. Donovan'3 Modern Jury Trials and Advocates. With Notes and Rules of Practice. 8vo. Cloth. 1S81. $3.50. Dunlap's Abridgment of Blackstone and Pleading. 16". Leather- ette. 1S79. $:-oo. b. Edwards on the Law and Practice of Referees. 8". i860. $3.50. a. Erskine's Speeches, Edited by James L. High. 4 vols. 8°. Cloth, with fine Portrait. $8.00. b. Hilliard on Mortgages of Real and Personal Property. 2 vols. 8". 1872. $8.00. b, Hilliard on New Trials and other Rehearings. By Francis Hilliard, author of works on injunctions, torts, contracts, etc. 8". 1872. $4.00. a. Hutchinson on Carriers. 8". 1879. $4-50. a. Jarman on Wills, Randolph & Talcott's American notes. 3 vols. 8°. 1880. $13.50. a. Lawson on Usages and Customs, with illustrative cases. By John D. Lawson, author of work on Carriers. 8'^. 18S1. $4.7S- a. Moak's Underbill on Torts. An excellent English work, with Amer- ican cases by N. C. Moak. 8°. iSSi. $4.50. a. Parsons on Notes and Bills. Seconded. 2 vols. 1875. $7.50. a. Phillips' Manual of Decisions in the United States Supreme Court. The latest book of Federal Citations. 8^. 1882. $4.00. a. Pollock's Digest of the Law of Partnership. 160. Leatherette. 1878. $1.00. a. Reeves on Domestic Relations. Parker & Baldwin's notes. 8°. 1874. $3-75- b. Rogers' Law of the Road ; or, the Wrongs and Rights of a Traveller. 12". Cloth. iSSi. $1.00. a. Stephens' Digest of Criminal Law. 16°. Sheep. 1878. $2.00. a. Stephens' Digest of the Law of Evidence. 16°. Leatherette. 1879. $1.10. Warren's Law Studies, with a chapter on the use and selection of law books, written for the use of the American student. 16'^. Cloth. 1881. $1.50. a. Withrow's American Corporation Cases. 4 vols. 1872-81. $16.00.