Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/22

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8 SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. lutermatlonal Iiaw. Alabama Claims. Tribunal Arbitration, Geneva. Svo. CI. Wash., 1S71. 50! pp. $1.50 "Alexandra" Case. Vessel seized undei foreign en- listinent act. Before Lord Chief Baron and special jury. 1st to 4th day. -Svo. CI. Lond., 1S63. 2.00 Cherokee Nation v. Georgia. With opinion of Chan- cellor Kent. Svo. Bds. Phila., 1S31. 2S6 pp. 2.00 Gen. Armstrong, Brig-. Neutral waters. Svo. Sheep. N. Y. and Albany, 1857. 340 pp. 2.0a Meteor, Steamship. Violation 01 neutrality act. 2 vols. in I. Svo. CI. Boston, 1S69. £52 pp.' 2.00 — The Same. Sheep. 2,50 "Pampero" Case. Vessel seized under foreign en- listment act. Svo. CI. Edinb., 1S64. 27S pp. 3.50 tiCgitimacy. Brymer v. Riddel. Putative marriage. Svo. Bds. Edinh., 1811. 223 pp. 2.00 Day V. Day. Huntingdon assizes, 1797. Svo. Bds. Lond., 1S20. 334 pp. 3.00 Douglas, Archibald. Reputed son of Lady Jane , Douglas. Speeches and judgment. Svo. Edinb., 176S. 620 pp. 3.00 I — The Same. With introductory preface. 391pp. 3.00 — rke Same. Letters of Andrew bLuart to Lord Mans- I field. i2mo. Hlf. clf Lond., 1773. 1.50 Lapsley and Grierson. 4to. CI. Glasgow, 1S45. 2.50 Shedden and Shedden v. Queen's Attorney General. To determine whether marriage was solemnized between father and mother of first petitioner before he was born. Pamph. 32 pp. Edinb., 1S61. i.oo Xiibel amd Slander. Angeli v. Galbraith. Svo. CI. Dublin, 1S57. 516 pp. 2.00 Brady t'. White. S Caxr, Sir John, v. Hood and Sha: Paper. Paper. Dublin, 1S71 Stchd. 0. 37 pp Elder, Rev. G. A.'m., v. Rice, Re Louisville, Ky., iSi7. 192 pp. 1.00 Hone, Wm. Publishing a parody. Svo. Lond., 1S17. 1S4PP. The 3 trials bd. together. 2.00 — The Same. Second trial. i.oo — The Same. Third trial. 1.00 Inman v. Jenkins. On loss of " City of Boston." Liverpool, 1870. Pamph. 85 pp. i.oo Lavelle, Rev. John, x;. Bole, John. Newspaper. Gal- way, 1S60. Famph. S4 pp. 1.50 Lavelle v. Proudfoot. Evidence at Gahvay assizes, 1S69. Unbound. 24 pp. i.oo Libels, Law of; Rem.arks on origin and nature of, with some observ.ations on rights and duties of juries in trials for. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1785. 147 pp. '■5 Lizars T'. Syme. Pamph. Edinb., 1S52. 65 pp. 1.00 Lyons, Rev. J. P., v. Bingham, Major, et als. Svo. Unbound. Dublin, 1S34. 102 pp. 2.00 McCaul f. Colenso. Dublin, 1863. Pamph. 71pp. 1.50 Mercantile Agency, Four leading cases against. (Beardsley i/.Tappan; Billinsrs v. Russell; Ormsby V. Douglass; Com'w'lth v. Stacey.) Svo. Slieep. N. Y., 1873. 310 pp. 3.00 Moore and Sevey. Svo. Paper. Boston, 1833. 78 pp. 1.50 Morgan v. Gray. With supplemental brief and copies of documents. 472 and 262 pp. Unbound. Dublin, 1S62. 3.00 — The Same. Supplemental brief and copies of docs. i2mo. CI. ' National Standa (Newspaper.) Paper O'Keefe, Rev. Robt. v. Cardinal Cullen. Speech of John O'Hogan, counsel for defendant. i2mo. Dub- lin, 1874. '60 pp. — The Same, judgment of Lord Chief J Dublii iS73- John. 8v amph. Stchd. argument 51 pp. Osborne, Chas. Wm., Dublin, 1S75. 4Spp. Shipley, King, T'. Lg. fo. Paper. Lond., 1S74. 29pp. ; StOCkdale, John. Lib. on House of Commons. Svo. Bds. Lond., 1790. : Tocker, Mary Ann. Libel on R. Gurney. Svo. Un- bound. Lond., 1S18. 40 pp. Trespass and Slander. See Trespass. Walker v. Roberts. Svo. Hlf. clf. Manchester, 1791. 2oSpp. The Same. Unbound. Williams, Pa. Wooler, Lond., 1S17. 151 pp. tte ouine. uuuouiiu. liams, John Ambrose. On the cle ^aper. Durham, 1S22. 57 pp. Oler, p. J. (Editor "Black Dwarf") Marriage. Horner v. Liddiard. Qiiestion as to what consent is necessai-y to the marriage of illegitimate minors. Svo. Hlf clf. Lond., 1799. 3.00 Marriage Law of Ireland. Report of two cases : Reg. Ti. Millis, and Reg. -y. Carroll. Svo. CI. Dublin, 1S42. 340 pp. 2.50 Millis, Regina v. Marriage Law of Ireland. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 184?. 282 pp. 2.50 Millis, Regina v. and Carroll, Regina v. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1842. 307 pp. 2.00 Millis, Regina v. Writ of error, and opinions of the judges, etc. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1S44. 2.00 ThelwaU v. Yelverton. Suit to recover a certain sum for hoard and lodging, etc., supplied to defendant's wife and servant. Dublin, 1S61. 1.50 Telverton v. Yelverton, and Yelverton v. Longworth. Cases decided in court of session, 1S62. Svo. Paper. Blandy, Mary. Poisoning with arsenic. 410. Lond., 1752. 15 pp. $1.75 Borosky, Geo., alias Boratzi ; and others. Shooting with blunderbuss. Fo. Paper. Lond., 16S2. 56 pp. 2.50 Burroughs, Jno. Jos. Shooting. Opening address of J no. A. '1 ay lor in this case. Lg. paper pamph. N.Y., 1S76. 36 pp. .75 Byron, Wm., Lord. In a duel. Fo. Unbound. Lond., 1765. 47 pp. Scarce. 3.00 Cato street Conspiracy. See Treason. Darnes, Wm. P. Manslaughter, 3d degree. St. Louis Co., Mo. i2mo. Paper. Boston, 1S41. 269 pp. 2.00 Ederney and Innishmore. Co. of Fermanagh. Man- slaughter and murder. i2ino. Dublin, 1S24. 90 .PP- 1871 •5° Pair, Laura D. Shooting. Rl. Svo. San 323 pp. Paper. 1.00 Ferrers, Earl. Shooting with pistol. Fo. Paper. Lond., 1760. SS pp. 3-°o Glasgow Cotton Spinners. Hiring to commit assassi- nations and violence. Svo. Bds. Edinb., 1S3S. 150 pp. 1.75 Goodwin, Robt. M. Manslaughter. Svo. Bds. N. Y., 1S21. 5S pp. 2.00 Green, Robt., and others. Strangling with handker. chief. Fo. Paper. Lond., 1679. 92 pp. 2.50 Hardeubrook, Dr. J. K. Poisoning. Svo. Stchd. Rochester, 1S49. 48 pp. 1.50 Harris, Mary. Shooting with pistol. Svo. Paper. Wash., 1863. 181 pp. 1.50 Hersey, Geo. C. Poisoning. Svo. CI. Boston, 1862. 265 pp. 1.50 Hodges, Arthur. Murder of negro slave. i2mo. Bds. Middletown, Conn., 1S12. 1S6 pp. 3.50 Holloway and Haggarty. With club, Plate and plan. Svo. Unboiind. Lond., 1807. 80 pp. Scarce. 3.50 Hughes, Dr. John. Shooting. Svo. Paper. Cleve-, 1S66. 58 pp. I.oo Hyde, Fanny. Shooting. Svo. Paper. N. Y., 1872. 161pp. 1.50 Jefferds, Chas. M. Shooting. Svo. CI. N. Y., 1S62. 234 pp. Kennedy, Ryan & Voss. Beating with a stone. Kil- kenny assizes, 1S32. Svo. Bds. 186 pp. 2.50 — The Same. 65 pp. Unbound. 1.50 Kiifoyle, Wm. Shooting. Svo. Unbound. Dublin, 1S32. S3 pp. 1.50 Laros, Allen C. Poisoning. Svo. Paper. Easton, Pa., 1S77. 245 pp. 2.50 Lindsay, Owen. With axe. Svo. CI. Syracuse, 1875. 268 pp. 1.50 Long, Jas., Corporal, and McAdams, Thos., soldier. Stabbing. Also trial of Grant and others for beating and hindering revenue officers. i2mo. Unbound. Edinb., 1736. 155 pp. 3.00 Lowell, Jas. M. Throwing from wagon. Svo. Hlf. sheep. Portland, Me., 1875. 258 pp. 1.50 Lowenstein, Emil. Shooting and cutting. Svo. Hlf. sheep. Albany, I S74. 350 pp. 2.00 MacParland, Daniel. Shooting. Summing up of John Graham. Svo. Paper. N. Y., 1S70. 119 pp. '-oo McLeod, Alcxr. Shooting. " Sun " ed. N. Y.,iS4i. Pamph. 32 pp. I.oo — The Same. Gould's Sten. Mthly. Svo. Wash., 1841. 416 pp. 2.00 Mohun, Lord. With sword. Fo. Paper. Lond., 1693. 64 pp. 2.50 Muschett, Nicol. Wife murder by cutting throat, etc. i2mo. Unbound. I.oo Nairn, Katharine, and Ogilvie, Patrick. Murder and incest. Svo. Unbound. Edinb., 1765. 200 pp. Scarce. l-Oo Palmer, Wm. Poisoning; strychnine. i2mo. Paper. Lond., 1S56. 191 pp. 3.00 Patch, Rich'd. Shooting. Svo. Lond., 1805. 210 pp. 2.50 — 'The Same. Pamph. 28 pp. Glasgow. 1.00 — The Same. Pamph. 40 pp. Dublin, 1S06. 1.00 Phair, John P. With axe. Svo. Paper. Boston, 1879. 112 pp. 1.50 Prescott, Abraham. Beatingwith stake. Svo. Stitched. Manchester, N. H., 1S69. 46 pp. .73 Price, John. Trial of convict murderers of i2mo. Paper. Melbourne, Australia, 1857. 96 pp. 3.00 ~ ' Phila., 1866. 120 Paper 20S Murder. Assassins of Prest. Lincoln. Svo. Paper. Phil 1865. 310 pp. Probst, Anton. Axe. Svo. Bds, Eu^eiistein, Pasach N. With knife, Phila., 1S76. 54 pp. (In German.) .50 Rush, Jas. Blomfield. Shooting. Svo. Stitched. Lonci., 18,^9. SS pp. 2.00 Selfridge,T. O. Shooting Austin. Svo. Bds. Boston, 1806. 168 pp. — The Same. Correct statement of the whole contro- versy between Selfridge and Austin. By T. O. Self- ridge. Charlestown, 1S07. 52 pp. 2.50 Smith, Madeline H. Poisoning with arsenic. Svo. Paper. Edinb., 1837. 126 pp. Mather's ed. 2.00 — The Same. Nimmo's ed. 184 pp. , 2.00 Somerset, Earl of. Poisoning. By A. Amos. Svo. CI. Lond., 1S46. SSI pp. 4-00 Spollen, Jas. Striking, and cutting throat. Dublin, 1S57. Pamph. 149 pp. 2.50 Strang, Jesse. Shooting. i2mo. Paper. Albany, 1S27. 16 pp. i-oo Stuart, Jas. In a duel. Svo. Full clf. Edinb., 1822. 3.00 — The Same. Unbound. Traupmann, Jean Baptiste. Strangling and stabbing. Near Pans. Svo. Paper. N. Y., 1S70. 32 pp. .50 TwiteheU, Geo. S., Jr. With poker. Svo. P.aper. Phila., 1S69. 106 pp. 1.00 ThurteU, John, and others. Shooting, and cutting throat. Svo. Lond., 1S24. 344 pp. i-oo Udderzook, Wm. E. Beating and cutting. To pro- cure life insurance. Svo. Paper. Bait., 1S73. 60pp. I.oo Vanderpool, Geo. With hatchet. Detroit, IVIich., 1S70. Pamph. 206 pp. 2.00 Vosburgh, Rev. Geo. B. Wife-poisoning. Svo. Hlf sheep. Jersey City, 1S7S. 122 pp. 1.50 — The Same. In paper. ' -oo Webster, J. W. Bemis' report. Reprint. Svo. Sheep, N. Y., 1879. 713 pp. $4.50 — The Same. "Journal" report. Boston, 1S50. 56 double column pp, i.m Webster, Prof. John W. Svo. Paper. N. Y., 1850. 76 pp. N. Y. Daily Globe report. i.oo — The Same. Boston, 1S50. Phillips, Sampson, & Co. 2.50 — The Same. Boston Daily Mail report. 64 pp. i.oo Pateiits. Cahoon, J. B., et al., v. Ring, Aaron. Seed-sowing machine. Svo. CI. Portland, 1S60 614 pp. 2.00 Goodyear, et al., v. Wait, Thos. G. Argument of Curtis and Law on behalf of dentists. Svo. Paper. N. Y., 1S67. IS7 pp. 1.50 Piracy. " Savannah," Officers and crew of the privateer. Svo. CI. N. Y., 1S62. 385 pp. 2.00 Spanish pirates. U. S. Circuit Court. Svo. Paper. Boston, 1S34. 77 PP- Kail way. MaunseU, Cusack, and others, v. Great Northern and Western Railway. Dublin, 1863. Pamph. 38pp. I.oo Winans, Ross, v. Eastern Railway. Evidence for complainant. Roy. Svo. Paper. Boston, 1834. 1.50 Rape and Outrage. Curran, John. Dublin, 1861. Pamph. 32 pp. i.oo Calvert. Frederick (Lord Baltimore). Fo. Paper. Lond., 1768. 74 pp. 3.00 Travera v. Wilde. Print of evidence of Miss Travers. 4to. 1864. 51 pp. 1.00 Sedition. Douglas, Rev. Niel. High Court. Edinb., 1S17. (Last page imp.) 50 pp. .50 Gerraldjjos. i6mo. Sheep. Edinb., 1794. 258 pp. 1.50 Margarot, Maurice. Svo. Unbound. Edinb., 1794. 195 pp. 2.00 McLaren, Alex., and Baird, Thos. Svo, Paper. Edinb., 1817. 153 pp. 1.50 Muir, Thos. 2.00 O'Brien and Meagher. Justice Crampton's charge to grand jury, and summing up of Lord Chief Justice. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 1S4S. 27 pp. i.oo Palmer, Rev. Thos. Fysche, Svo. Unbound. Edinb., Pigott, Richard. ' Paper. Official. 793- pp. .50 Burr, Aaron. 2 vols. Svo. Sheep. N. Y., 1875. Cato Street Conspiracy. Trials of conspirators for high treason and murder. Svo, pp, (.S^t- Thistlewood.) Charges of Baron Smith. 8v Charles the First and some Lond., 1S20. 434 I CI. 728 PI Df the regicic es. 24n Despard, Edwa. Marcus, svo. 272 pp. — The Same. Cheap ed. Paper. 64 pp. i.c Pitz-Harris, Edward. Fo. Lond., 16S1. 2,1 Frost, John. Svo. Bds. Lond., 1S40. 77Spp. 3.( HalDin, Wm. G. Treason-felony. Svo. Paper. Dub- lin, 186S. 121 pp. i.( Hardy, Thos, 4 vols, in 2. Svo. Hlf clf Lond., 1794. 5.1 — The Same. By Manoah Sibley. 2 vols. Svo. Clf Lond., 1705. 4.1 — The Same. Somewhat condensed. Svo. Dublin, 1795. 2.( ' ■' er crimes. Proceedings on bills ipeachrnents for 300 years past. Lists of persons tried and points of law decided. 6 vols. i2mo. Clf Lond., 1720. 15.1 High treason. Thistlewood, Watson, Preston, and Hooper. i2mo. Hlf. bound. Lond., 1S17. 300 Hodges, John. Maryland dist., 1S15. 35 pp. i-i Jackson, Rev. Wm. Svo. 142 pp. Paper. Dublin, 1795. Lapp & Schoales. 2.1 O'Brien, Wm. Smith. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 1849. 984 pp. High tr. Svo, 3-50 O'Coigly, Rev. Jas., et als Lond., 179S. 2.00 Parkins, Sir William. Hightr, Fo. Paper. Lond., 1696. 48 pp. 2,00 Saltoun, Lord. Report of Committee regarding the effect of the division of House of Lords in case of ,25 Thistlewood, Arthur, and three others. High treason, etc. Svo. Bds. Lond., 1S17. 303 pp. {See Cato St. Conspiracv.) 2-SO — The Same. Trial of Thistlewood alone. Lond., 1S20. Pamph. 62 pp. I.oo Warren, John. Treason felonv. Svo. Paper. Dub- lin, 1867. ■ „ S-r- Watson, James, Senior. High bo'und, Lond., 1817. 222 pp. eason. Svo. Un- (p. 223 and seq. ins-) Watson, jas., the elder. Hightr. Svo. Paper. 250 — The Same. Fairburn's ed. Svo. Bds. Lond., 1S17. Svo. Bds. Edinb., 1795.-


364 pp- '-S^ Trespass. American Print Works v. Lawrence. Action .against Mayor of N. Y. for damages occasioned by his order to blow up certain buildings in order to stop a fire. Svo. CI. N. Y., 1S52. 333PP- , '-SO Craig, Campbell, v. Richard, Earl of Anglesey. i2mo. CMf Dublin, 1743. 3-00 Doyle, Francis, cloth mfr., v. Fitzgerald, Sir T. J., high sheriff. i2mo. Dublin, iSoS. i-SO Rutgers, Eliz., v. Waddington, Joshua. (Only 100 copies Svo, and 25 4to, printed.) Svo. Hit. mor. Morrisania, N. Y., 1S66. a-OO