Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/35

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SOULE & BUGBEE'S Legal Bibliography PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED GRATUITOUSLY AT IRREGULAR INTERVALS No. 37 COURT ST., BOSTON, MASS. October, 1883. CONTENTS. PAGE Admiralty, A New AVork on 4 Alienation, Restraints on 4 American Law Review S American Statesmen S An Indispensable Book 4 Auctions; The Law of 3 Bargains 5 Betty John, The Case of 4 Browne's Domestic Relations . ... 6 Contracts, New Work on 1 Correct Phraseology 6 Equity Pleading . . . . ' 3 Equity Reports, Digest of 3 Essentials of the Law 5 Evidence, The Best W'nvk on 2 Imperial Dictionary S Lawyers in Literature 6 Latest Law Books Dictionary, A Genuine . . . . Law Students, Text-Books for . . . Leading Cases Made Easy Not for Pettifoggers Obstare Decisis Poisoning, Murder by Primitive Ownership Pronunciation of Reporters' Names Publications of Soule & Bugbee . . Reading for Leisure Hours Reporter, The Schouler on Executors Students' Note Book Subrogation Tariff Laws Wood on Limitations We v/ill mail every future number of this paper, without charge, to any judge, lawyer, or law student who will send us his name and address. THE LATEST LAW BOOKS. Since the last number of Legal Bibliography was issued (December, 1882) we have published : — Addison on Contracts: with B. V. Abbott's American Notes. Bar's International Law : Private and Criminal. Bateman on Auctions : with H. N. Sheldon's Anv;rican Notes. Best on Evidence: with C. F. Chamberlayne's American Notes. Browne's Elements of the Law of Domestic Relations and Em- ployer and Employed. (Sept., 1883.) Browne's Law and Lawyers in Literature. Browne & Stewart's Trials for Murder by Poisoning. (Sept., 1883.) Chitty's Equity Index. Fourth Edition, Vol. I. (Sept., 1883.) Cohen's Admiralty Jurisdiction, Law, and Practice. Cuuynghame on Electric Lighting. (Sept., 18S3.) Ewell's Essentials of the Law. Vol. II. (Pleading, Evidence, Contracts.) Gray: Restraints on Alienation of Property. (Sept., 1S85.) ludermaur's Common Law Cases (for students). Lawyer's Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations. Mr. Bumpkin's Lawsuit ; or. How to Win your Opponent's Case. Ross: Early Laud-holding among the Germans. (Sept., 1883.) Schouler on Executors and Administrators. Shirley's Leading Cases made Easy. Second Edition. Wharton's Law Lexicon. Seventh Edition. (Sept., 1S83.) ■Williams' Tariff Law of the United States. W ood on the Limitation of Actions. Full particulars in regard to these books will be found on other pages. PRONUNCIATION OF AMERICAN NAMES. In the last number of Legal Bibliography we gave a table of the pro- nunciation of names of English reporters. In accordance with a sugges- tion made to us by correspondents in Nebraska, we give below the pronunciation of such American names of reporters and legal authors as seem to be liable to mispronunciation : — Angell, Ain'jell. Gilmer, ) G hard. Bigelow, Big'el-o (g hard). Gilpin, ) Bispham, Bisp'ham. Hening, Hening, Bouvier, Boo-veer'. Houck, Howk. Brevard, Bre-vard'. Houston, Hows ton. Cheves, Chev'ess. Keyes, Kize, Coldwell, Cald-weir. Lea, Lee. Dead)'. Dee'dy. Leigh, Lee. Denio, De-ny'o. Littell, Lit-tell'. Dessaussure, Des'saus-sure. McLean, Mac-lane'. Devereu.x, Dev'er-o. Alinot, Mynott. Dillon, Dillon. Rapalje. Rap'al-jay Duvall, Du-vall'. Schouler, Skool'er. Ewell, Yew el. Taney, Taw'ney. Gill, ? G hard. Wythe, With (th as in thong) Gilman, S Yeates, Yates. Show this paper to other Liawyers. — As it is diflfi- cult for us to get the address of the best lawyers in all parts of the United States, we ask those who receive and read this number to show it to any other lawyers who might be interested in its contents. A NEW WORK ON CONTRACTS. We have just published a new edition of Addison on Contracts, with so many and so valuable additions of English and American matter that it can fairly be called a new treatise. The work itself is so well known as to require no further description than the statement of the London Law Times, that it is thoroughly practical, and is by far the best book ox the law of contracts. The eighth English edition, just published (of which this is a reprint in full, with American notes added), is very much enlarged and improved in comparison with other editions. The enlargement from the seventh edition is about forty per cent. ; and nearly two thousand addi- tional ENGLISH cases are cited. The English editor speaks thus of his work : — " The present edition has been considerably altered and enlarged. The first chapter, which deals with the nature and decisions of contracts in general, has been in some measure recast, with a view to greater clear- ness and perspicuity. The chapter on the ' Contract of Letting' ( in which is contained the law of Landlord and Tenant ) has been made more com- plete by the introduction of the subjects of ' Waste, ' Rights to Fi.xtures,' and ' Duties of Innkeepers,' and by the addition of a whole section on the law of ' Distress for Rent.' Some statement of the law relating to negligence in the performance of contracts for W^ork and Services, a;i(i other contracts, has been added to the present edition. The eflect o. fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation upon contracts, the law with respect to mandamus to public companies and local boards, questions of Specific Performance and Injunctions, the right of lien of bailors, bailees, and others, have received fuller consideration. The section upon ' Carriers has been very considerably enlarged by dealing more exhaustively than in previous editions with the duties of carriers in the carrying of passen- gers or goods, and in the forwarding and delivering of the latter. ' The American editor of this edition is Benjamin Abbott, author of the United States Digest, and of many other well-known law-