Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/41

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SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7 PUBLICATIONS OF SOULE & BUGBEE. Addison on the Liaw of Contracts. B. V. Abbott's Ameri- can edition. 2 vols, (over 2,000 pages), law sheep, g 12.00, net. This is a reprint in full, with indexes and tables of cases, of the enlarged eighth edition, published in London this year; to<f ether with excellent American notes by Benjamin Vaughan Abbott. It is a work of irnmense scope, covering not only the principles appli- cable to contracts generally, but also a concise statement of the law o"f particular contracts. Ames' Cases on the Law Bills and Notes. 2 vols., half law calf. 312.00, net. A collection prepared by Prof James Barr Ames, of the Harvard Law School, for the use of his students. The cases were published without head-notes, in accordance with the svstem of instruction pursued in that school ; but the lack of head-notes is more than made up by the admirable " summary" of the subject, which takes the place of the usual index. Bar's International Law: Private and Criminal. Cloth. $5.50, net ; half law calf, S6.50, net. This celebrated German treatise, now for the first time translated into English by G. R. Gillespie, is one of the best discussions ever published of the " Conflict of Laws." Bateman on the Law of Auctions. First American from the English edition, with notes by H. N. Sheldon. Law sheep. §5.00, net. This is the first American treatise on the law of auctions and auctioneers. The notes are by the learned author of Sheldon O-V Subrogation. Best's Principles of the Law of Evidence. A reprint in full of the recent seventh English edition, with American notes by C. F. Chamber- layne. Law sheep, or half law calf. $6.00, net. Prof James B. Thaver, of the Harvard Law School, writes, "This is far the best edition of the best elementary work on evidence." Although published this summer, it has already been adopted as a text-book in several law schools. Browne and Stewart's Trials for Murder by Poisoning-. Cloth. §3.50, net. A legal account of the celebrated trials of 'William Palmer, Madeline Smith, Dr. Pritchar'd, Dr. Smethurst, William Dove, and others, together with a chemical introduc- tion, and an analysis of the tests of poison. Browne's Law and Lawyers in Literature. Cloth. $1.50, net; (A few copies on heavy paper, and bound in half calf, $3.50, jiet^ Irving Browne, editor of the Alb.any Law Journal and of the American Reports, has collected in this volume a series of extracts from the best English authors, on the subject of law and lawyers, connected and interspersed with comments by the author in that vein which has earned for his lighter work the reputation of being "the champagne of Ameri- can legal literature." Browne's Elements of the Law of Domestic Relations, and Employer and Employed. (Sept., 1883.) Leatherette, $2.00, net; sheep, §2.50, net. The foundation of this little book was a course of lectures delivered by Mr. Browne at the Albany Law School. As here elaborated, they present the author in a graver phase, as a sound lawver; and give the law of the subject in form admirably adapted for the use of students, an'd of those lawyers who seek a concise statement of principles. Chitty'S Eng-lish Equity Index. Fourth edition, wholly revised, re- classified, and brought down to the year 1883. Now in course of publication. Vol. I. just issued, law sheep, or half law calf, $8.00, net, delivered. No digest of the English chancery reports has appeared since the third edition of Chitty's Index in 1S53. This edition covers, therefore, a large number of the reports most frequentlv cited, and is needed by every American lawyer who consults chancery cases. It is also an essential companion to Fisher's (or Jacobs' Fisher's) Digest, which'covers only common- law cases. The other volumes will follow at short intervals. Cohen's Admiralty Jurisdiction, Law, and Practice. Law sheep. §5. 00, net. A new discussion of this important subject by Hon. M. M. Cohen, of Xew Orleans; giving especial aftei.tion to the matter of Salvage. Cunynghame on the Law of Electric Lig-hting". Cloth, $3.50, net Although this is a statement of the English statutes and law, there is so much monev invested in America in the new systems of lighting, and our in reference to them is still so unformt- d, that this book will be welcomed by all who are concerned in the subject. A large part of Mr. Cunynghame's book is taken up with a discriminating description (with original illustrations') of the diiferent systems of electric lighting. E well's Essentials of the Law. 2 vols, (when sold together), leatherette, S4.00, net ; law sheep or half-law calf, ^5.00, net. Vol. I. Blackstone's Commentaries. Sold separately, in leatherette, for $2.50; in law sheep or half law calf, for §3.00, both net. Prof Ewell, by excluding matter undoubtedly obsolete, and placing in smaller type the comparatively unimportant passages, has compressed the whole of Blackstone into this one pocket volume. Diff'erent kinds of type have been used to direct the student and aid the memory. The edition is so far superior to any previous one that it has been adopted in several law-schools, and is coming into general use among students and lawv-ers. Vol.2. Pleading — Contracts — Equity. Sold separately in leath- erette, for 32.00; in law sheep, or half law sheep, for $2.50, 7iet. In this volume Prof. Ewell has given the substance of Stephen on Pleading, Smith on Contracts, and Adams on Equity, in the form and type best suited for students. Fairbanks' Marriage and Divorce Laws of Blassachusetts (founded on the Pubhc Statutes of 1882). With notes, references, and forms. Cloth, Sl.oo, net. Fuller's Xoted French Trials : Impostors and Adventurers. Cloth, 31.00, net. A very entertaining collection, in popular form, of the trials of Cartouche, Collet, Mandrin,'the False Dauphin, etc. Gray's Restraints on the Alienation of Property (Sept., 18S3). Cloth, 32.50, net; law sheep or half-law calf, 33.00, net. Prof John C. Gray, of the Harvard Law School, has presented ably and clearly a branch of law not hitherto sufficiently treated in the text-books. Heard's Curiosities of the Law Reporters. Cloth, 31.50. Heard's Oddities of the Law. Cloth, 31.50. These are two very amusing collections of short extracts from the reports, and anec- dotes of judges or lawyers. Heard's Principles and Rules of Equity Pleading, M-lth Precedents. Cloth, 32.00, net ; law sheep or half law calf, 32.50, net. A concise exposition of the rules of Equity Pleading as recognized and enforced at the present time; together with a useful coUection'of Precedents for practical use. Important English Statutes from 1100 to 1874. Cloth, 31.25, net. A presentation, in convenient form, of the most important of the English Statutes which form a part of, or directly affect, American law. Indermaur's Epitome of Leading Common Law Cases. From the fifth English edition, with American notes by C. A. BUCKN-A.M and BoKJD.MAN Hall. Cloth, 3i-50, net. It was prepared originally, as a guide to Smith' Leading, for the use of students. Sixty of the best cases in Smith are given in condensed form, with clear and practical notes. This' edition is printed on firm paper with wide margins, to allow the owner to make notes. Lawyer's Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations. By Charles C. Soule. Law sheep or half law calf, 34-00, net. A book to be kept on the desk of every good Lawyer, for consultation whenever he wishes to make out a blind citation, to look up the literature of any subject, to compare editions of reports, or to know what a full law library should contain. It might be called an annotated law catalogue, except that it is much more than a catalogue. " I.n'valuable" and " Indispensable," it is called by those who have bought and used it. Mr. Bumpkin's Lawsuit : or How to Win your Opponent's Case. By RiCH.RD Harris. Cloth, 32.00. Mr. Harris is known to almost every lam'er in America through his popular " Hints on Advocacy." In this new book he puts into the form of a story a satirical view of the English bar and courts and their procedure. Public Statutes of Massachusetts, 1882. Law sheep, $2. 85, net. Ross' Early History of Landholding among the Germans. Cloth, 3.00, net. Although not a law-book, this learned treatise has some bearing on the origin of English real property law. Schouler on the Law of Executors and Administrators. Law sheep, 35-50, net. James Schouler, author of standard treatises on Personal Property, Domestic Rel.a- tions, etc., has written the first strictly American tre.tise (not local) on this im- portant subject, which comes so largely into litigation in every county in the United States that Mr. Schouler's able work is needed by all practising lawyers. The very able critic %vho writes the book reviews for the American Law Review says : "The work is one which will be hailed with great satisfaction by the whole profession. The want of an American book on the subject has been keenly felt, and Mr. Schouler may well consider himself as a pioneer author in this field of Am'erican jurisprudence, and, as such, will surelv reap the benefit of his arduous labors, in the shape of the popularity and extensive sale o'f this book." Sheldon on the Law of Subrogation. Law sheep, 33 50, Jiet. The law of Subrogation, coming into our practice from the Civil Law, is not clearly understood in America ; for whicirreasou (and for its own merit) this book has found a wide sale. Shirley's Selection of Leading Cases in the Common Law. Cloth, 32.50, net ; sheep, or half calf, 33-00, «e.'. Under the title of " Leading Cases Made Easy," this brief and humorous .statement of celebrated cases, published in iSSj. found .at o'nce a wide circle of readers, and founded a new school of legal literature. In this new edition one hundred and fifty cases are given in such piqu.ant style as to arrest the attention and fasten upon the memory of the reader; while the serious' notes which follow every case st;ite the law in admirable form. Soule's Dictionary of Synonymes and Parallel Expressions. Cloth, 32.00; half Hbrary-calf, 33-50. An excellent book to keep always on the desk, for use in preparing briefs, papers, or ar- guments, to aid the writer in choosing the best and most forcible words for his purpose. The Englishman's Right. A Dialogue in relation to Trial by Jury. Cloth. 31-00, 7iet. This is a reprint (edited by Daniel Rollins) of an interesting monograph first published in 16S0, but long out of print and scarce. It makes a quaint and handsome little volume. Wallace: The Reporters arranged and classified, Avith in- cidental remarks- Fourth edition, greatly enlarged. Law sheep, or half law calf, 35-50, net. The veteran reporter of the U. S. Supreme Court Reports, in this valuable and entertain- ing work (now come to a fourth edition), has sketched the older English reports and re- porters. In a happy mixture of bibliography, biography, history, gossiji, and slirewd criticism, he has portraved the legal literature to which much of our law is traced back. This edition w.-is prepared for the'press by the autlior and F. F. Heard. Wharton's Law Lexicon. Seventh edition, enlarged and changed. Law sheep or half law calf, 38. 00, net. This standard work diff'ers from other " Law Dictionaries," in being purely a dictionary of definitions, and not short treatises. It defines the obscure, old, or obsolete terms of Eng- lish law (including Law-French and Law-Latin), and the terms of the Civil, Canon, Scotch, and East Indian law. Williams' Tariff Laws of the United States now in force. Cloth, 31-50, net. The author. C. F. Williams (late secretary of the T.ariff commission) , has here presented the new Tariff Law of 1SS3, together with the decisions of the Treasury Department and the courts upon analogous provisions of former laws. Wood on the Limitation of Actions at Law and in Equity. Law sheep, 36.50, 7iet. Mr. Wood is the author of well-known treatises on Nuisances, Landlord and Tenant, etc. In a very large volume he has here presented the law of Limitations as it now stands, with a copious' citation of authorities from all the States. In the appendix the existing statute of limitations of each State and Territory is given in full.