Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/49

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LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7 PEINCIPAL PUBLICATIONS OF CHARLES C. SOULE (26 PETtfBEKTOX SQUARE, BOSTON, IIASS.)- ADMINISTRATORS. — ScHouTiR ADMIRALTY. — Cohen. ALIENATION OF PROPERTY. — Gray. AUCTIONS. - Bateman- BIBLIOGRAPHY. — Lawver's Refkrence Manual- BLACKSTONE.— Eavei.l's E:~sentials, Vol. I. CITATIONS. — Lawyer's Refkrence Manual. CONTRACTS. — Arb.jtt'.s .Addison. — Ewell's Essen- tials, Vol. II. CRIMINAL LAW. -Mews' Digest. DICTIONARY. Wharton. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. DIGESTS. — Chitty (Equity-). — Fisher (Common Law). — Mews (Criminal). DOMESTIC RELATIONS. —Browne. ESSENTIALS OF THE LAW. — Eweli. EVIDENCE. — Best (Chamberl.yne's Edition). EQUITY. — Chittv's — Ewell's Essentials, Vol. II. — Heard's Pleading. EXECUTORS. — ScHOULKR. HUMOR. — Browne's Law and Lawyers. — Shirley. LEADING CASES.- iNDERMAUR.— Shirley. LEXICON. — Wharton. LIGHT READING. — Browne's Law and Lawybrs. — Wallace. LIMITATIONS. — Wood. PLEADING. — Swell's Essentials, Vol. II. — HEAaC (Equity). PRECEDENTS. — Heard (Equity). REPORTERS. — Wallace. RESTRAINTS ON ALI EN ATION. - Geav. SUBROGATION. - Sheldon SYNONYMES. — SouLE. TARIFF LAWS. -Williams. ABBOTT'S ADDISON ON CONTRACTS. 2 vols. $12.00, net. This work (of 2,07.T larg-e pages) contains as much printed matter as would usually occupy three volumes. It is a reprint, in full, of tlie eighth English edition, which contains about forty per cent more matter than previous editions, and is further enlarged by copious American Notes by Benjamin Vaughan Abbott. The original work has an unexcelled reputation. It covers a vast field. It cites a great number of English and American cases. This edition has all the indexes and tables of cases which former editions lack. The American Notes of Mr. Abbott cover admirably points on which our law differs from the English, or those which Addison fails to cover, such as Contracts by Telegraph. In the words of the " Law Times," " It is thoroughly practical, and is by far the best book on the Law of Contracts." Ear" Old editions will be taken, in part exchange for this, at $1.50 per volume. BATEMAN ON THE LAW OF AUCTIONS. American Notes by H. N. Sheldon. $5.00, net. This is a reprint of the sixth English edition (the only work on the subject), with notes by the able author of Slieldon on Subrogation. BEST ON EVIDENCE. Chamberlayne's Edition. $6.00, net. X reprint in full of the recent Seventh English Edition, with excellent American notes. Tliis single volume presents more satisfactorily than any other book the principles of the Law of Evidence, and is equally useful to the student and the practitioner. Prof. James B. Thayer, Lecturer on Evidence at the Harvard University Law School, writes: ' I tliink this is the best edition of the best elementary work on Evidence ve have." The recently issued catalogue of the Michigan University Law Scliool places Best on Evidence at the head of the works recommended ON that St eject. It has been already adopted as a text-book in four other Law Schools. The old edition in two volumes, now superseded by Chamber- layne's edition, will be taken in part exchange at a dollar a volume. BEOWNE ON THE DOMESTIC RELATIONS. Leatherette, S2.00, net ; sheep, $2.50, net. The substance of a course of lectures delivered by Irving Browne before the Albany Law School, presenting in his clear and attractive style the elementarv principles of the law of Domestic Relations, and Employer and Employed. BROWNE'S LAW AND LAWYERS IN LITERATURE. Cloth, $1.50, net ; half calf, $3.00, net. In this volume Mr. Irving Browne (editor of the "Albanv Law Journal") has collected a series of readable extracts from the best authors, showing how lawyers have been regarded in standard literature. CHITTY'S EaUITY DIGEST. New Edition. Now Ready. Vol. IL Sheep or half calf, S8.00, net. There has been no digest of the English Equity Reports since the third edition of Chitty in 1S53, so that this Fonrth Edition, rearranged and greatly enlarged, is especially welcome. Fisher's Digest lor Jacob's Fisher's Digest) does not cover the Equity Cases, and whoever owns it should therefore have Chitty also. There will be six volumes, issued at short intervals. COHEN'S ADMIRALTY LAW. $5.00, net. A new discussion of Admiialty Law, Jurisdiction, and Practice, by Hon. M. M. Cohen, of New Orleans. EWELL'S ESSENTIALS OF THE LAW. 2 vols. Leatherette, $4.00, net; sheep, $5. 00, net. Vol. I. Blackstone's Commentaries. .Sold separately, in leath- erette, for 32.50 ; in law sheep, or half law calf, for $3.00, both ?ic/. Professor Ewell, bv excluding matter undoubtedly obsolete, and placing in smaller type the comparatively unimportant passages, has compressed the whole of Blackstone into this one pocket volume. Different kinds of type have been used to direct the student and aid the memory. "The edition is so far superior to any previous one that it has been ailopted in several law schools, and is coming into general use among students and lawyers. Vol. 2. Pleading — Contracts — Equity. Sold separately, in leatherette, for $2.00 ; in law sheep, or half law calf, for $2. 50, fir/. In this volume. Professor Exyell has given the substance of Stephen on Pleading, Smith on Contracts, and Adams on Equitv, in the form and tvpe best suited for students, either for introduction or review. FISHER'S DIGEST. New Edition, to 1884. 7 vols. Half calf, $56.00, net. This is a new, enlarged, and rearranged edition of Fisher's English Common Law Digest brought down to date by Mews and others. GRAY'S RESTRAINTS ON ALIENATION. Cloth, $2.50, net ; sheep, $2. 50, net. Prof. John C. Gray, of the Harvard University Law School, has herein presented, ably and clearly, an important branch of the law not sufficiently treated in prenous HEARD'S EaUITY PLEADING. Cloth, $2.00, fiet; sheep, $2.50, net. A concise statement, by Franklin Flske Heard, of the Principles of Equity Pleading as recognized at the present time, together with a collection of precedents for practical use. Mr. Heard has recently published, in another volume, a continuation of these precedents. INDERMAUR'S COMMON LAW CASES. Cloth, $1.50, net. This is an epitome of the best cases from Smith's Leading Cases, briefly presented, with Notes, for the use of students. It is so printed, with wide and smooth margins, as to allow room for manuscript notes. LAWYER'S REFERENCE MANUAL. Second Thousand. Sheep or half calf, $4.00, net. A book to be kept on the desk of every good lawyer, for consultation whenever he wishes to make out a blind citation, to look up the literature of any subject, to compare editions of reports, or to know what a full law library should contain. It might be called an annotated law catalogue, except that it is much more than a catalogue. "I.nvalu- able" and " Indispensable" it is called by those who have bought and used it. Prof. Theodore W. Dwight writes, " I have seen no eook for years which I deem more VALUABLE TO THE LEG.L PROFES.^ION. " MEWS' DIGEST OF CRIMINAL CASES. Sheep, S5.00, net. A Digest of all the English Criminal Cases to 1SS4. Just published. SCHOULER ON EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. $5.50, net. This work has gained, even in the short time since its publication, a wide sale and an excellent reputation. It is the first and only American work (general, and not local) on an important topic, and is one of the books every lawj-er must have. The author is well known from previous works on various subjects. SHELDON ON SUBROGATION. $3.50, net. The only recent work on an intricate subject. SHIRLEY'S LEADING CASES. Cloth, $2.50, sheep, $3-00, net. This is a Second Edition of Leading Cases Made Easy, in which Mr. Shirley founded a new school of leaal literature, by combining humor and brevity in his condensation of cases. Specimens are given elsewhere in this paper. SOULE'S SYNONYMES. Cloth, $2.00; half calf, S3.50. By far the best book of synonymes for ready and constant use. WALLACE'S REPORTERS. Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged. $5.50, net. The veteran reporter of the U. S. Supreme Court Reports, in this valuable and entertaining work (now come to a fourth edition), has sketched the older English repoits and reporters. In a happy mi.xture of bibliography, biography, history, gossip, and shre.d criticism, he has portrayed the legal literature to which much of our law is traced back. This edition was pre- pared for the press by the author and F. F. Heard. WHARTON'S LAW LEXICON. Seventh Edition. 1883. $8.00, net. This standard work differs from other Law Dictionaries in being purely a diclionarj' of defi- nitions, and not short treatises. It defines the obscure, old, or obsolete terms of English law (including Law-French and Law-Latin), and the terms of the Civil, Canon, Scotch, and East Indian law. WILLIAMS' TARIFF LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Cloth, $1.50, net. The author, C. F. Williams (late Secretary of the Tariff Commission), has here presented the new Tariff Law of 1SS3, together with the decisions of the Treasury Department and the courts upon analogous provisions of former laws. WOOD ON LIMITATIONS OF ACTIONS. $6.50, net. This is another recent book which has gained immediate popularity-. The author (H. G. Wood) has written several treatises whose leading characteristic is their practical useful- ness. In this very large volume he has presented the Law of Limitations as it stands to-dav, with a copious citation of authorities. An Appendix gives the latest statutes of limitations of all the States. Charles C. Soule, 26 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass.