Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/57

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SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. HOW REGARDED BY EMINENT LEGAL AUTHORITIES AND OTHERS. The various Styles of Binding are now supplied, At a small additional cost, WITH Denison's Patent Reference Index. " The greatest improvement j in Book-making that has i been made in a hun- ! dred years." Webster is the STANDARD iu the U. S. GOV'T PRINTING OFFICE. Recommended by STATE SUP'T of SCHOOLS in THIRTY-SIX States. Sale 20 times that of any other series. It has been the choice in EVERY STATE PURCHASE. IT HAS 3000 MORE WORDS ill its YocaMlary lliau are fonM in any other AmericaE DictionaiT and nearly THREE times the Enmlier of ENGRAVINGS. ITS CONDENSED nearly 10.000 names.' is one of In the quantity of matter it contains, ii i,s believed to be the largest volume pcbisiiel. "A LIBRARY IN ITSELF." From Hon. 3IOKKISOX K, WAITK, Chief Justice of the United States. " Webster's Dictionary i.-; recognized as standard au- thority iu tlic court over which I preside, and its use- fulness increases as the successive editions ajipear." From Hon. SAMUEL F. MILLEK, Justice U. S. Supreme Court. "It stands as it deserves to do, as the best guide of speakers and writers in the use of the English lan- guage." From Hon. JOSEPH F. BRADLEY, Justice U. S. Supreme Court. "Webster's Dictionary has been uiy vado mccuin for more than iifty years. It has been of incalculable value to the language and literature of this nation." From Hon. JOHN M. HARLAN, Justice C S. Supreme Court. My ex.iminatiou of Webster's Unabridged Diction- ary, sustains to the fullest extent the high estimate of its value expressed by educated men of all professions, both in this country and in England." From Hon. WILLLAM B. "n-OOUS. Justice r. S. Supreme Court. "In my opinion, the recent edition of Webster's Dictionary is the best dictionary of the English lan- guage ever published at any time in any comitry." From Hon. STANLEY MATTHEWS, Justice U. S. Supreme Court. "It has attained such nutliority by its almost uni- versal use in this country and elsewhere, where the Enclisli lantruago i- spolcen or studied, as entitles it to Vio regarded as the Standard of correct speech and writing." From Hon. SAMUEL ELATCHFOBD, Justice U. S. Supreme Court. "It embraces many departments of information not accessible elsewhere, and which seem to be compiled with isvi'-.tx cure and thoroughness." From all the Justices of the SUPREME COURT of North Carolina. "The definitions, for their accuracy and A-learness, have given this work pre-eminence among all others its kind. We give full commendation.'" From all the Judges of the COURT OF APPEALS of New York. •• It is a marvel of industry and intelligent labor, and deserves to be regarded as a standard authority. It is often cited in the briefs of the bar and the opinions of the bench, and invariably commands the confidence of both. Such uniformity in authority and definition as it is possible to attain, is extremely desirable, and the re- sult can hardly bo reached in a better way than V>y conceding to Webster's Dictionary the rank and au- thority of a standard." From all the Justices of the SUPREME COURT of Ohio. " The Ohio Law Library contains many Dictionaries, but Webster's Unabridged is regarded as the Standard. The Judges of the Supreme Court habitually refer to it because of its excellence in definitions generally and especially of legal terms." From all the Justices of the SUPREME COURT of Indiana. " The Judges of the Supreme Court of Indiana for many years before, as well as since we have occupied that position, have used Webster's Unabridged Diction- ary as their Standard in Orthography. Etymology, Pro- nunciation and Definition, &c., &c." From all the Justices of the SUPREME COURT of Virginia. "It is justly regarded as the best Dictionary extant of the English language. Whenever and wherever a doubt is suggested, or a dispute arises as to the proper signification of an English word, Web.ster is appealed to by all sides as authority for the true lueaning." From all the Justices of the SUPREME COURT of lUiuois. " In our Courts its definitions arc relied on with the greatest confidence in the construction of legal in- struments affecting vitally, interests of the highest importance, and even in cases where the life and lib- erty of the citizen are involved. It is constantly cited in our .I'udicial decisions as a work of the highest ac- knowledged authority." From Hon. A. H. GARLAND, Attorney General of the United States. "The woi-k, in any shape we have it, is standard au- thority, but this edition (with Supplement) enhances its usefulness for persons of all classes. It is, I think, as complete as a work of the kind can be." From Hon. NOAH DAVIS, Chief Justice Supreme Court of N. Y. "Webster's LTnabridged Dictionary is accepted by the Courts of this State as the most reliable authority of the signification of words. As such it is frequently quoted in the opinions of our Courts." From Hon. ARTHUR 3IACARTHUR, Justice Supreme Court, D. C. " For the last twelve years, Webster's Dictionary has been the only one I have seen used in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia." [Strong testi- monials from all the other members of this Court omitted for want of room.] From all the Justices of the SUPREME COURT of Missouri. "It is the most elegant, valuable, and comprehensive volume of the kind ever published. Its definitions are recognized by us as authoritative in the interpretation of laws and contracts, and we esteem it to be the best authority in spelling and pro- nunciation." From all the Justices of the SUPREME COURT of Georgia. '■ Former editions of this work Iiave heretofore been recognized by this Court, as no doubt this will con- tinue to be, as a standard authority in defining and constructing the laws and constitution of our State, as well as the definition of words, &c„ that appear in the endless variety of instruments upon which often the rights of property depend." From Judges of the SUPREME COURTS of other States. Similar testimonials ( which can not be given tor want of room. I have Ijeen .i,'iven recently V>y Justices of the Supreme Courts (..f various other States, MlCH- iGAX, Massachusetts. Minnesota. PEXKSYLVAxt.. Nebraska, Iowa, &c.. &c. The above testimonials have received during the past three or four years. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfield, Mass,