Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/59

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Legal Bibliography PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED GRATUITOUSLY AT IRREGULAK INTERVALS, By CHARLES C. SOULE, Law Bookseller, 26 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. ISTo. 7. 5 Mr. Soule, in addition to publishing and importing, buys I and sells all kinds of law books, old as well as new. ) April, 1886. PAGE Albany Law School 8 A Most Important Law Book 2 Austin's Farmlawand Game laws (new) 3 Bargains 5 Boston University Law School 5 CONTENTS. Civil Service Reform 8 Coke in Rhyme 3 Coke, Sketch of (with Portrait) 4 Comment and Commendation 2 English Law Books 3 English Reports Law Quarterly Review Law Students, Good Manuals for . Littleton, Sketch of (with Portrait) Marshall, Chief Justice . . . . PAGE New Law Books i Notes and Queries i Schouler's Histt.ry of the United States . . 5 Stimson's American Statute law (new) 6, 7 Wood on BallHay law (new) . . . . S Future numbers of this paper will be mailed, without charge, to ant/ Judge, lawyer, or law student who will send his name and address to the publisJie'r. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers, 3 SOMERSET STREET, BOSTON. NOTICE TO LAWYERS.— We have made a selection from our Catalogue of some books which ought to be in the library of every latvyer, and as an inducement for you to buy them have made a special discount from the regulm prices FOR THIS OCCASION ONLY. Please refer in ordering to Soule's Legal Bibliography, No. 7. Mailed, post - paid, on receipt of "special price.^* Send for our new Descriptive Catalogue, free. LIFE AND LETTERS OF JOHN BROWN. By F. B. Sanborn. With Portraits, an Engraving of Brown's Birthplace, and Fac-similes of Important Docu- ments. 8vo. §3.00. (Special price, $2.25.) The volume contains about 450 pages, of which more than half are Brown's own letters and oilier writings. Certain debatable passages in his career — the Potawatomie executions, for ex- ample, and his relations with Gerrit Smith, F. Douglass, Wendell Phillips, etc. — are considered at some length- and letters written by Smith, Phillips, Colonel Higginson, and other fi-iends of LIFE AND TIMES OF STEIN ; or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age. By Prof. J. R. Seeley, of Cambridge University, England, Author of " Ecce Homo." With Portrait and Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. g6.oo. (Special price, §4.00.)

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THE AMERICAN IRISH, and their Influence on Irish Politics. By P. H. Bagenal. B. Oxon. i6mo. 3i.oo. (Special price, 60 cents.) He has written an interesting book, which will create discussion, particularly among those who do not sgree with its deductions. THE NEW BOOK OF KINGS. By J. M. Davidson, of the Middle Temple. i6mo. Si. 00. (Special price, 50 cents.) " Written by an English radical and barrister, this volume is meat for Republicans Any one who wishes a plain, unvarnished tale of the cost of kings and queens, and the great injury they are in other ways to the body politic, can find it here." — Hartford Post. THE LIFE OF RICHARD COBDEN. By John Morley, M. P. With Steel Pqrtrait. Svo. Si. 50. (Special price, Si. 15.) " He has written not only a very honest and very able memoir of Cobden, but also a valuable contribution to contemporary history and to the study of contemporary politics." — London AlhenceuJn. MEMOIR AND LETTERS OF CHARLES SUMNER. By Edward L. 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With Portrait of Wordsworth and View of Rydal Mount. 2 vols. j6mo. S2.00. (Special price, ■ Si.25-) LONDON OF TO-DAY. An Illustrated Handbook for the Season 1S85. By Charles Eyre Pascoe. i2mo. Fle.xible cloth covers. Price, Si. 50. (Special price, 50 cents.) A CONCISE ENGLISH HISTORY, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By W. M. LuPTON. A readable volume, comprising, in paragraphs, every important event in the history of England. i2mo. Si. 50. (Special price, ?i. 00.) A MEMOIR OF GOVERNOR ANDREW, with Personal Reminiscences. By Peleg W. Chandler, of the Suffolk Bar. To which are added two hitherto unpublished Literary Discourses, and the Valedictory Address. Several Illustrations, including Portrait. i6mo. Si. 25. (Special price, 75 cents.) The memoir of this remarkable man has been prepared by one of his most intimate friend;, — one who knew him in college, was associated with him at the bar, and was his confidential adviser during his whole administration. WHAT WE REALLY KNOW ABOUT SHAKESPEARE. By Mrs. Caroline Healey Dall, Author of " Historical Pictures Retouched," " The Col- lege, Market, and Court," -'Egypt, a Presentation."' i6nio. Si. 25. (Special price, Si. 00 ) THE SOCIAL LAW OF LABOR. By William B Weeden. i2mo Si. 50. (Special price, Si.oo.) " Mr. Weeden has produced the most intelligent discussion of the labor question that has been published for years." — Times-Star., Cincinnati. THE FALL OF THE GREAT REPUBLIC. i6mo. Paper covers. Price, 30 cents. (Special price, 25 cents.) ■' The author of this very clever brochure has sketched the possible course of revolutions with such closeness to what might be reality, that he will awaken the whole community to its possible danger." —Boston Herald. Do not fail to read this. FLATLAND. A Romance of Many Dimensions. By -'A. Square." With Illus- trations by the Author. i5mo. 75 cents. (Special price, 50 cents.) 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(.-Special price, S2.00.) THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. With a Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci. i2mo. Paper covers, 50 cents; cloth, 75 cents net. SOCIAL PRESSURE. By Sir Arthur Helps. i2mo. S2.25. (Special price, Si. 25,) . discussion of social subjects by the " Friends in Council." The book is dedicated to the author's friend, Rt. Hon. W. E. Foster. THOUGHTS UPON GOVERNMENT. By Sir Arthur Helps. Svo. S2.25. (Special price. Si. 25.)