Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/78

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6 SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. FACIAL ARGUMENT. The following interesting description of the methods of Mr. Justice Williams, while practising at the English bar, is taken from " The Bench and the Bar," published in 1S37 : — " He has an aquiline nose, and sharp eyes. The muscles of his face are generally in full play ; sometimes they move so rapidly, and in such a way, as to cause an involuntaiy smile on the part of the beholder. Mr. Williams, indeed, when at the bar got credit for gaining many if not most of his cases by what his contem- poraries used to call the ' power o£ his face.' While the opposing counsel was laboring with all his might and main to make out a case for his client, exhaust- ing all his intellectual resources and physical powers, — while so employed, Mr. Williams was sitting watching the effect on the minds of the jury. In such cases he generally, to use his own expression, endeavored to 'ogle the jury' by the singular command he had over the muscles of his face. Sometimes he would wink at them when the opposing counsel was laboring a point, as if all he had been saying were the very essence of absurdity. The jury often con- strued this into a compliment to themselves, as if Mr. Williams had been inti- mating to them that he was sure they saw the ridiculousness of the argument as readily and clearly as lie himself did. At other times he would give a inost con- temptuous expression of countenance, at what he conveniently pretended to be the supreme silliness of the pleadings of the counsel on the adverse side. Then, again, he would shake his head, and laugh at the principal points urged on behalf of the opposing party. By ' ogling ' the jury in this way he often had effectually replied to the counsel on the other side by the time such counsel had resumed his seat. In other words, he often virtually gained his case by the mere 'power of face,' before he had opened his mouth in favor of his client." CATALOGUES AND SECOND-HAND LISTS. Mr. Soule publishes a Short Catalogue of Law Books, contain- ing the brief titles and prices of all the elementary works usually needed by lawyers. He also issues, from time to tiine, Catalogues of hls Second-Hand Stock. The latest of these are — Second-Hand List No. 6. Valuable English Law Books, etc., pub- lished between 1470 and 1800, with a few of later dates. Second-Hand List No. 7. Latest editions of text-books. Second-Hand List No. 8. Text-books, not of the latest editions. Other catalogues will be issued soon, probably revised lists of text- books in stock, a list of inexpensive English reports, etc. Circulars, with full description or table of contents of any of the latest law books, or of Mr. Soule's own publications, can usually be furnished on application. This paper (Legal Bibliography) is issued every three or four months. All these catalogues, circulars, etc., are sent, f ree of charge, to any one ivho asks 3Ir, Soule for them. OFFICE EMBELLISHMENT. " What good portraits can 1 get to adorn my office walls .? " is a frequent inquiry from lawyers. Mr. Soule gives below a list, with prices, of the portraits he has in stock. The American photographs are fresh and new; the English engravings are in good average condition, considering their age. Many of the latter, of judges taken in their robes, are very striking. The size given is the measurement in inches of the picture itself, excluding the margin. All are, of course, unframed. American Portraits. Clioate, Rufus. Photograph froin life, I3>< X 17 (from which the por- trait in this paper was reduced) $3.50 Hamilton, Alexander. Photograph, i2i-< X i7>< .... 3.50 Shaw, Lemuel, Chief Justice. Photograph from life, 13 X 17 . 3.50 Webster, Daniel. Photograph from life, 14 X 17 ;< .... 3.50 Webster, Daniel. 13X17. Etching by Samuel Hollyer and August Barry, from original by Aines 5.00 Also, same on Japanese paper 7.50 English Portraits. Ashburton, Lord. I3"4' X Engraved by F. Bartolozzi, from a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds gio.oo Bell, John, K. C. 9,'<Xi2'4. Engraved by Samuel Cousins, from a painting by Thomas Stewardson 2.50 Brougham, Henry. 14 X 18. Engraved by H Meyer, from a painting by James Ramsay . ' $4.00 Brougham (and Vaux). ii>^Xi4><. Engraved by Wm. Walker, from a painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence c.oo Burnet, Hon. Thomas, one of the Justices of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas. 10X14. Engraved by J. Faber, from a painting by A. Ramsay 2.50 Bury, Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas, Knight, Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. loXi4>2- Engraved by J. Smith, from a painting by J. Richardson 2.50 Camden, Lord. 13)4 X 18. Engraved by S. F. Ravenet, from a paint- ing by Joshua Reynolds 4.00 Churchill, Lord Randolph. Lithograph, 14 X 17 .... 2.50 Clarendon, Edward, Earl of. Lord High Chancellor. 9X12^. Engraved by M. Burg, from a painting by P. Lely .... 3.00 Coke, Sir Edward, Lord Chief Justice, 9 X hK- Engraved by J. Houbraken 2.00 Comyns, Rt Hon. Sir John, Knight, Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. 7 X 11 'i. Engraved by J. Hou- braken , . . . . 4.00 Comyns, Rt. Hon. Sir John, Knight, Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. 6^4X93^'. Engraved by G. Vertue 2.00 Croke, George, Knight. 5X8. Engraved by R. Gaywood . . 1.50 Denisou, Lord Chief Justice. 11X15. Engraved by Smith . . 3.00 Denman, Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas, Knight. Lord Chief Justice of the Court o£ King's Bench. 12X15. Engraved by Thos. Hodgetts, froin a painting by Thos. Barber 5.00 Denman, Rt. Hon. Thomas, Lord Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, etc. i:; X 17. Engraved by Wm. Walker, from a picture by E. W. Eddis " 5.00 Devonshire, Earl of. 6X8;< 2.00 Downes, Rt. Hon. Lord, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench, Ireland. 14X22^2. Engraved by S. W. Reynolds, from a painting by M. Cregan 6.00 Dyer, James, Chief Justice Court of Common Pleas. 7j< X ii- En- graved by John Drapentier, from original 1.50 East, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Hyde, Bart. 7X8>^. Engraved by G. B. Black, from a painting by Chinnery 2.00 Flotham, Hon. Sir Beaumont, Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. i5XiS5<. Engraved by N. Green, from a painting by N. Dance 10.00 Fortescue, Rt. Hon. John, Lord, one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas. 5 V X g. Engraved by G. Vertue, from a painting by G. Knellcr, Bart 2.00 Gilbert, Rt. Hon. Sir Jefferay, Knight, Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. io'4^Xl4^^. Engraved by John Faber, from a painting by M. Dahl 2.50 Grant, Rt. Hon. Sir WilUam, Master of the Rolls. 14X22)^. En- graved by Gelding, from a painting by Sir Thotnas Lawrence . . 6.00 Hale, Sir Matthew. 6'<X8. From Vertue's engraving of Wright's portrait, 1735 50 Harcourt, Simon, Earl Harcourt, Lord Lieutenant-General and General Governor of Ireland. 9 '4 X 12. Engraved by Edward Fisher, from a painting by Robert Hunter 2.50 Hardwicke, Philip, Earl of. Lord High Chancellor. 4}^ X 534. En- graved by C. Bestland, from a picture by Wm. Hoare .... 2.50 Hewitt, Rt. Hon. James, Viscount Lifford, Lord High Chan- cellor of Ireland. 17 X 23^^. Engraved by Robert Dunkarton, froin a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds S.oo Hyde, Hon. John, one of the Puisne Judges of the Supreme Court at Calcutta. 13 X 17. Engraved by W. Sharp, from a painting by R. Home 5.00 Jekyll, Joseph, F. R. S., F. S. A., one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery. 10 X 12 '4^. Engraved by W. Say, from a painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence 3-00 Jekyll, Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph, Knight, Master of the Rolls. II X i5'<. Engraved by G. Vertue, from a painting by M. Dahl . 3.00 Lee, Rt. Hon. Sir William, Lord Chief Justice of His M.ajesty's Court of King's Bench. X 19. Engraved by J. Faber, from a painting by J. Vanderbank 6.00 Lee, John. 14 X 18. Engraved by C. H. Hodges, from a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds 6.00 Lushington, Stephen, LL. D., Chancellor of London. Sji'Xii. Engraved by W. Walker, from a miniature by W. J. Newton . . 3.00 Lutwyche, Sir Edward, Knight. 5,'<X9. Engraved by R. White, from a painting by T. Murrey 2.00 More, Thomas, Lord Chancellor. 6X9^- Engraved by R. White, from a painting by H. Holbein ........ 1.50