Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/89

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SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. BLACKSTONE. This striking portrait is from a plioto- graph of tlie statue of Sir William Black- stone, executed by John Bacon, in 1784, for the library of All Soul's College, in Oxford. It represents the great commen- tator in his judicial robes, with Alagna Charta grasped in his left hand, and his right arm resting upon a volume of his Commentaries. The expression of the face is wonderfully Hfe-like and graphic, far more so than is usual with features delineated in marble. Bacon, the sculptor, is known also for his statues of Chatham in Westminster Abbey, and of Dr. Johnson and Sir Wil- liam Jones at St. Paul's Cathedral. None of his other works, however, equal this very effective and satisfactory statue. The photograph of which this is a re- duced copy was taken by an Oxford pho- tographer expressly for this number of Legal Bibliography, and is believed to be the first replication of a statue well known to residents and visitors in Oxford, but not hitherto reproduced in any form for the benefit of the admirers of Black- stone in both hemispheres. Fine copies of the original photograph can be furnished by Mr. Soule, — un- mounted, size 12 X 14 inches, for $2.50; or mounted on stiff cardboard, ready for framing, size 20 X 24 inches, for ^3.00. AN INDEX TO ALL LAW PERIODICALS. (1887.) Scattered through the bound volumes of the many excellent law magazines which have been published during the present century, there is a great store of valuable literature in the shape of short articles, covering thoroughly just the points ne- glected in the text-books, or conveying information which would save labor to the lawyer fortunate enough to find them. Hitherto, these monographs have been hidden away among the unindexed and undigested sets of periodicals in lawyers' closets or on the shelves of libraries. It occurred to Mr. Leonard A. Jones, in gatliering material for his excellent treatises on .Mortgages, etc., that an Index to Legal Periodicals, similar to Poole's Inde.k to Periodical Literature (which excludes law) would be of very great service to lawyers in preparing briefs. He has accordingly devoted a great deal of time and labor, for several years, to examining files of law journals and indexing tlieir contents. The re- sult of this research is now in the press, and will be published next month in the shape of a large octavo volume, entitled Jones's Index to Legal Periodicals. It is an index to leading articles, editorials, correspondence, annotated cases, and biographical notices in all the American, English, 'Scottish. Irish, and Colonial legal journals, down to January i, 1887. and to articles relating to law and legislation in the principal literary reviews and maga- zines down to the same date. The names of the authors of articles are given in connection with the subjects, wherever they could be ascertained. Much attention has been given to references to biographical articles re- lating to distinguished judges and lawyers, both living and deceased. Accordingly such notices in all the journals and reviews, even when brief, have been referred to. Moreover, all the reports of the .American courts, some 3,000 volumes, have been examined in order to make references to the proceedings in court and eulogies upon the occasion of the decease of eminent judges and lawyers. The proceedings of the American Bar .Association and of the various State Bar .Associations have been indexed. .Also the transactions of the English and American Social Science Associations and of the Statistical Society, so far as those relate to matters of law and legislation. .About 140 different law journals and reviews have been indexed: and the articles relating to matters of law and legislation, and to biographies of judges and lawvers. in 115 of the principal .American, British, and Colonial literary magazines and reviews. The number of volumes of law periodicals indexed is upwards of 1,300 : and the articles pertaining to law and legislation in upwards of 4.500 volumes of literary and historical periodicals are also included In view of the probably limited sale of this Index, its price (in half calf or half morocco bindingi will be placed at ten dollars.