Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/92

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lO SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. THE COMIC BLACKSTONE, ILLUSTRATED. Beckett's " Comic His- Rome " and his "Comic of England," illustrated n Leech, have passed innumerable editions, and are to be found in almost every public and private library in Amer- ica. His " Comic Black- stone" is equal- ly amus- ing, but hashith- le advantage of equally good illustrations. In various cheap forms, and with poor cuts, it has found its way to our shores and has stirred the risibilities of law- yers ; but until now -it has lacked the vividness and point which good pictures lend to the text. Messrs. Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. (the publishers of " Punch ") have just published in Eng- land a new edition of " The "Blind rustice ■' (?) Comic Blackstone," extend- ed and modernized by Arthur William A' Beckett, of Gray's Inn, and illustrated by ten full-page colored engravings and various initials and other cuts by Harry Furniss, perhaps the most popular of modern humorous artists. There can be no amusement for a lawyer's idle hour, no recreation, better suited to smooth out wrinkles, and clear a clouded brain than the perusal of such a book as " The Comic Blackstone." It presents familiar law, with quaint conceits and reckless puns, m a masquerading costume, — typified in one of the colored illustrations, where justice is represented as a comely lass in black tights, swaying over the heads of the courts between two trapezes labelled " Law " and " Equity." Nor is the reading of such a book as this wholly lost time, even in a prosaic view, for these humorous statements of the law often make a more vigorous and permanent impression on the memory than the serious original text ; and the student can hardly use a better " review-book " for Blackstone than this comic edition, which may fix in his mind indelibly the principles hardly lodged there by previous reading. For a present to a lawyer or a law student could any book be more acceptable than this new edition of " The Comic Blackstone " ? Mr. SouLE has purchased this book for the American market, and offers it for sale in cloth binding (illuminated and ornamented with suit- able designs) for $3.00 net; or in handsome substantial half morocco or half calf, '"or $5.00 net. These are special prices for iaiuyers. THE NEW BOOKS OF 1887. The following list includes the principal law books published in this country since January i, 1887. Abbott, Austin. Practice in Civil Actions in Courts of Record. Vol. i. 8vo. $6.00 net. Abbott, B. V. Decisions of the Law of Patents for Inventions. Vols, i and 2. 8vo. $6.50 net per vol. Abbott, B. V. Patent Laws of all Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. $1^.00 net. Addison, C. G. The Law of Torts. 6th ed. 2 vols. $10.00 net. Bennett, J. I. Law of Lis Pendens. 8vo. $5.00 net. Bigelow, M. M. Index of Overruled Cases, Supplement, 1S73-87. 8vo. $2.50 net. Bishop, J. P. Commelltal■ic^ on the Law of Contracts. 8vo. ;!t6.oo net. Black, H. C. Constitutional Prohibition impairing Obligations of Contracts. 8vo. $3 50 net. Bliss, P. Law of Pleading under Codes of Civil Procedure. 2d ed. 8vo. $6.00. BoUes, A. S. Law Relating to Banks and their Depositors. 8vo. Cloth, $4.50 ; sheep, $5.00. Burrill, A. M. Treatise on the Law of Voluntary Assignments. 5th ed. 8vo. $6.50. Clapp, R. M. Patent Laws and Decisions. 8vo. $4.00. Cook, W. W. Treatise on the Law of Stocks and Stockholders. 8vo. $6. 50 Dale and Lehmann's Digest of English Overruled Cases. 2 vols. Half calf, $14.00 net. Davis, G. B. Outlines of International Law. i2nio. $2.00. Davis, H. F. A. Handbook of Building Societies. London. i2mo. Cloth. gl.oo net. Devlin, R. T. The Law of Deeds. 2 vols. 8vo. $12.00 net. Dicey, A. V. On Parties to Action. 2d American ed. 8vo. $5.00. Dillon, J. F. Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts. 4th ed. 8vo. Cloth, $2.50 net : sheep, $3.00 7!et. Dos Passes, J. R. Interstate Commerce Act. i2mo. Cloth. $1.25 net. Elme.s, Webster. Law of U. S. Customs. 8vo. Cloth, $4.50 net; sheep, $5.00 net. Field, G. W. Madico-Legal Guide. i6mo. Cloth, $1.75 net; sheep, $2.00 net. Fry, G. G. Questions and Answers on Municipal Law. 8vo. $3.00 net. Goiild, J. Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions. 5th ed. Svo. $5.00. Hamilton, A. Interstate Commerce Law. Svo. Cloth, $2.50; sheep, $3.00. Hare, J. I. C. Law of Contracts. Svo, $5,00 iiei. Harper, J. C. Law of Interstate Commerce. Svo. Cloth. $1.50 net ; half sheep, $2,00 net. Horr, N. T,, and Bemis, A, A. Treatise on Municipal Ordinances in United States, England, and Canada. Svo. $4,00 net. Jameson, J. A. On Constitutional Conventions. 4th ed. Svo. $5.00 net. Kynett, A. J. Laws and Forms Relating to Churches, etc. Svo. $5.00. Lloyd, A. P. Law of Divorce. i2mo. Cloth, $2.00 sheep, $2.50 «^/. Phillips, P. Statutory Jurisdiction and Practice of U. S. Supreme Court. 5th ed, Svo, $5,00 net. Pollock, F. Law of Torts. Svo. $5,00 net. Pritchard's Digest of Admiralty and Maritime Law. 3d ed. London. 2 vols. Svo. Half calf. $20.00 net. Rapalje, S. Treatise on the Law of Witnesses. Svo. $6.00 net. Roe, E. T. Criminal Procedure of U. S. Courts. Svo. $3,50 net. Schouler, J. Treatise on the Law of Wills. Svo. $3.50 net. Sharswood, G., and Budd, H. Leading Cases on Real Property. Vol. 3. Svo. $6.00 net. Smith, G. H. Elements of Right and of the Law. 2d ed. i2mo. Cloth. $2.50 net. Taylor, J. N. Law of Landlord and Tenant. Sth ed. 2 vols. Svo. $10,00 net. Tiedeman, C. G. Limitations of Police Power in the United States. Svo. $6.00 net. Von Hoist, H, Constitutional Law of the United States. Svo. Cloth. $2.00 net. Walker, T. Introduction to American Law. 9th ed. Svo. $6.00. Washburn, Emory. Law of Real Property. 5th ed. 3 vols. Svo. $18.00. Wharton, Francis. Digest of International Law. 3 vols. Svo. $12.00 net. Winthrop, W. Abridgment of Military Law. i2mo. Leatherette. $3,00 net. NEW EDITION OF ADDISON ON TORTS. The profession will be glad to learn that the sixth edition of the ever- popular Addison on Torts, just issued in England under the care of Horace Smith (the able editor of the last edition of Addison on Con- tracts), has been promptly republished in this country with American notes by H. G. Wood, author of Wood's Railway Law, Wood on Limitations, and other standard treatises. The value of a text-book upon a wide topic like this depends largely upon the thoroughness with which it covers and cites the later cases. As there is no late American work on Torts, and as Mr. Pollock's excellent book on the subject is only elementary, this new edition of Addison has the field all to itself, and will be a necessity to all lawyers who keep up with late text-books on important subjects. The price of AVood's new edition of Addison on Torts, bound in two volumes, law sheep, is ten dollars net. LEADING LAW SCHOOLS. On the second page of this paper will be found the announcements of ten leading law schools, offering in locality, length of course, methods of study, and expense a wide range of choice.