Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/94

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NOW READY. THE BEST MASSACHUSETTS DIGEST EVER PUBLISHED. THROOPS MASSACHUSETTS DIGEST From 1804 to 1886. 2 Volumes, Royal 8vo. $12.00 net. DIGEST of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of IVIassachusetts, from 1804 to 1886, as reported in the Series beginning with Volume I, and ending with Volume 141, of the IVIassachusetts Reports, by MONTGOMERY H. THROOP, Counsellor-at-Law, with a table of Contents and a Table of the Cases Digested- TI^I§... ^.}^P_^Jf.l '^^^ through the press, and ready for delivery, aims to pursue a via media betiveen excessive dijfuscuess and excessive condensation. It gives the points decided in each case ivitli sufficient fulness to present them clearly and enable the practitioner to detcrmitic at once the application and pertinency of the case to the question which he is examining, without wading through the prolix statements of facts and vague enunciations of the grounds of the decision, zvhich in many instances characterize the Jiead-notes in the reports. Cases which have been rendered obsolete by subsequent legislation are stated in outline merely. Principles and general rules, declared in particular cases, are given fully, and the different cases upon the same general questions are grouped togetJier under the principles commo)i to all, whenever that course was practicable. By these and other modes of condensation, this work, without following the plan of an "INDEX-DIGEST," gives the entire result of a labored condensation of the decisions in 1,539 pages of text. The text of the full MASSACHUSETTS DIGEST noiv in 2ise, with a Supplement, including volumes 128 to 134, contains 3,111 pages, which the seven succeeding volumes, if digested upon the same plan, would szuell to about 4,000. Tlie Table of Cases is indexed to the names of the plaintiff and of the defendant in each ease, with a reference to each page of the Digest where the case is given. LOOK AT TH!S OFFER OF SETS OF STANDARD REPORTS AT LOW PRICES. 'E now offer to the profession the Official Copyrighted Edition of the following standard reports at GREATLY REDUCED prices, — a limited number of each series. Each volume is bound separately (except as indicated below), in full law binding. NEW YORK COMMOIf LAW, 80 vols, in 78, for $120.00 net. COMPRISING: Coleman, 1 vol. JoJiusoit's iiei>orts, 20 vols. 1Vi'tui<Il. 20 vols. f'olemuti tt ('(lines, 1 vol, Anfhon. 1 vol. Jlill, 7 roJs. fVf,)(.-.s. :i lol.s. Yfttcs. 1 rol. JOeiiio. rols. (Uihiv.s's Vases. 2 lols. Coiien. O vols. Hill X Uenio Stii>i>.. 1 vol. .Toll n son's Cases, 3 vols. NEW YORK CHANCERY REPORTS. 32 vols., $48.00 net. COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING: Annotated by STEWART RAPALJE. .Tohuson's Chaneevi/ Heporfs, ? vols. liarhour's Chaneerij Jteports, 3 vols. Clavl.'s Chancery Jiepoffs, 1 vol. Hopkins's Clianeevij Hepovfs, 1 vol. E<livar<ls's Chancery Iteporfs, 4 vols. Sanaford's Chancery Meports, -i vols. l*ai(je's Chancery Reports. 11 vols. Hoffman's Chancery Reports, 1 vol. Or, these 32 vols, bound in 16 vols. . . $32.00 net. NEW YOKK COURT OF APPEALS REPORTS, 104 VOLS $185.00 net. BARBOUR'S NEW YORK SUPREME COURT REPORTS, 67 vols UO.OO net. NEW YORK SUPERIOR COURT REPORTS. 52 VOLS 100 00 net. UNITED STATES REPORTS. OFFICIAL COPYRIGHTED EDITION. 122 vols. $302.00 net. With Annotations by BRIGHTLY AND RAPALJE. Dallas. 4 vols. Peters. 16 vols. Wallace, 23 vols. Cranch, 9 vols. Houaril. 24 vols. Otto. 17 vols. M'heaton, 12 vols. , Rlac};, 2 vols. United States, Vols. 108 to 122. THE SAME, BOUND IN 92 TOLUSIES . . $268.00 net. As this is not an every-day chance, it will be wise for those not having the above series to purchase at once. BANKS & BROS., New York and Albany.