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ISLANDS OF DEMONS 179 <* FIG. 25 Section of the Bianco map of 1436 showing the Island of the Hand of Satan and Antillia. (After Kretschmer's hand-copied reproduction.) nearer the eastern front of Labrador below Hamilton Inlet. Agnese 10 in the same century enlarges it greatly but still keeps it just off the Labrador coast. The Ortelius map of 1570" (Fig. 10) shows the insular haunt of devils, plural again in form and name, but retains approximately the site chosen by Cabot. Mercator's world map of I569 12 keeps the islands plural beside the upper tip of Newfoundland, approximating Gastaldi's position. There 10 Kretschmer, atlas, PI. 23. " Nordenskiold, Facsimile-Atlas, PI. 46. u Drei Karten von Gerhard Mercator: Europa Britische Inseln Weltkarte: Facsimile-Lichtdruck nach den Originalen der Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau, Geogr. Soc., Berlin, 1891 ; reference on Weltkarte, Pis. 3 and 9. See also: [E. F.] Jomard: Les monuments de la geographic, ou recueil d'anciennes cartes europeennes et orientates . . ., Paris, [1842-62], PI. XXI, 2.