Page:Legends of Old Testament Characters.djvu/111

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Noah, seeing that his grandson Canaan was not on board, called to him, and said, "Embark, my child, and do not remain among the ungodly."

But Canaan replied, "I will ascend the mountains, and shall be safe there."

"Nothing can save thee to-day but the mercy of God," said Noah.

Whilst thus speaking, a wave rushed between them and submerged Canaan.

After forty days, the ark swam from one end of the earth to the other, over the highest mountains. Over Mount Kubeis, chosen by God in which to preserve the sacred black stone of the Kaaba, the ark revolved seven times.[1]

Tabari says that Noah had four sons, and that of these Canaan was the youngest, and that the three elder believed in his mission, but his wife and Canaan laughed at his predictions. The animals that were brought into the ark were collected and wafted to it by the wind. When the ass was about to enter, Eblis (Satan) caught hold of its tail. The ass came on slowly; Noah was impatient, and exclamed, "You cursed one, come in quick."

When Eblis was within, Noah saw him, and said, "What right have you in here?"

"I have entered at your invitation," answered the Evil One. "You said, 'Cursed one, come in;' I am the accursed one."

When six months had passed, the ark rested on the surface of the water above Djondi,[2] and the rain ceased to fall, and God said to the earth, "Suck in the water;" and to the sky, "Withhold thy rains." The water abated; and the ark lodged on the top of the mountain.

"There left the ark two sorts of animals which had not entered it the pig and the cat. These animals did not exist before the Deluge, and God created them in the ark because it was full of filth and human excrements, which caused a great stench. The persons in the ark, not being able to endure any longer the smell, complained to Noah. Then Noah passed his hand down the back of the elephant, and it evacuated the pig. The pig ate all the dung which was in the ark, and the stench was no more.

"Some time after the rats gave great annoyance. They ate

  1. Weil, p. 45.
  2. Ararat.