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Legislation Publication Ordinance

Part 4—Division 1
Section 11
Ord. No. 13 of 2011

Part 4
Editorial Amendments and Record

Division 1
Editorial Powers

11. Powers to give chapter numbers etc.

The Secretary for Justice may—

(a) give a chapter number to an Ordinance and alter the short title or citation of the Ordinance; and
(b) in the database, arrange the grouping and sequence of database instruments.

12. Powers to make editorial amendments

The Secretary for Justice may, in an Ordinance—

(a) replace a reference to the short title or citation of another Ordinance that has been altered under section 11(a), by the altered short title or citation;
(b) correct a grammatical, clerical or typographical error;
(c) change the way of referring to or expressing a number, year, date, time, amount of money, quantity or measurement;
(d) alter the text of a provision to reflect an amendment to the provision deemed to have been made by another provision;
(e) omit any enacting, expired or spent provision;
(f) change the sequence of definitions, or of unnumbered items in a list;