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Legislation Publication Ordinance

Part 6
Section 21
Ord. No. 13 of 2011

(a) replace a reference to the short title or citation of another Ordinance that has been altered under section 2(2)(a), by the altered short title or citation;
(b) correct a grammatical, clerical or typographical error;
(c) change the way of referring to or expressing a number, year, date, time, amount of money, quantity or measurement;
(d) alter the text of a provision to reflect an amendment to the provision deemed to have been made by another provision;
(e) omit any enacting, expired or spent provision;
(f) change the sequence of definitions, or of unnumbered items in a list;
(g) insert, after an item in a list appearing in the text of one official language, the equivalent of that item in the other official language;
(h) change the format, layout, printing style or any other presentational aspect; and
(i) make an amendment that is consequential on any amendment made under this subsection (other than this paragraph).
(2) Subsection (1) does not permit any amendment that would change the legal effect of any Ordinance.
(3) An Ordinance amended under subsection (1), as published in the loose-leaf edition, must indicate in a suitable place the fact that it has been amended under subsection (1).