Page:Legislative History of the AAF and USAF.djvu/124

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�This Page Declassified lAW EO12958 USAF HIsro?icAr. S?UvmS -- 44 McClendon, A?to?omit /or t?e Air A?m, IT, 227 45 AHS-10, p 21; McClendon, A?to?omtl /or ?. The W? Dep?r?men? d?ected bha? t? com- maud of air elemen? tn a ?heater of o?era- tion? wa? to be exercised through ?he air force commander, and air ?lts were no? to be at- ?ached to greed u?its except ?der ?usual circ?tauces (Eee ?5-10, pp. 21-22). 47. McClendon, A?to?omy Jot tAe Az? ?, H, 215- 33. Senato? Pat McCarr?n wrote President ?osevel? on 20 Aulust 1943, urging immediate acumen to provide a "u?ed, coord?a?d. au- tonomus air force." ?oosevel? replied tha? his recognition of [he inareas? import?ce of the air a? was in,card by ?e inclusion of Gen- eral ?nvld on the Joint Chief? ? ?aff and the Combined C?efs of Staff R?sevel? said the matter was under care!? consideration and tha? he fel? the ?t?atc had no? ye? been reached ? organ?g the ?htary machine. He Iear?, however, ?at ? make a? drastic ch?nge? a? t?s t?e "might result in ?erious d?t[0n of the war effor?" 48 ?tg., pp 236-39. 49 ?f?, p 239. 50. I?[?, ?p 240-41; Wfiham ?, ed, T?e For- ?e?i Dt?ies, (New York, 1951), p 9. 241-45. ?2. Milh?, ed., ?e For?estal D?es, pp 6?-88, 114, 11?; McCloudon, A?lo?o? ?or tA? Air Ar?, 24?-50. 53. Hea?s before the Co?it?e on Mflita? fairs, U?ted S?es Senate, ?9 Cong, i Sess, on ? 84 . land] S. 1482... Department of Armed Forces iand] Dep?tment of M?r? Seeurlt? [Washington, 1945], ?p 1-4. 54 Ibm, pp 98-101, 382-I03, 411-12, 537-44. 55. R. Earl McClendon, A?to? el the A? (?r U?verslty Documenta? ?ese?rch ?, ?a., Janua? 1954), ?. 140 5?. McClendon, A?to?om? l? t?s A?r Arm, ?, ?. Co?. ?ec., ?9 Cong., i Se?s, pp. 12, ?9B-400 (19 D?ember I945) 58 A?S-16, Legtslat?n Relat?g to ?he ? so?el Progra? 1939-1?45, p 42. 5?. Memo from O/S from Lt Col. Guido ?. Perera, Dm ot ?g?tive Plann?, ?, ?ubL: Legis- lation Creag?g ?e ?rade of "?ght O?c?r," 4 Apr. 1?42, in D? 032-0, Legislagion 60 Ltr., S/W Sitrosen to Svea?er of the ?ouse Represen?tives, 19 ?ay 1942, in DR? 032-0, Ee?sla?ion. A ?ar ?t?er was sen? to tot ?ber? R. Re?nol?, C?lrman of the ate ?lt?ry Affa?s Commi?t?. 61. ?S-1?, pp. 44-45, 62. 55 Et?i 239; 56 ?l?t 649-50. 63. 56 3t;f 650. See ?S-16, pp. 103-8 lot a fu? discussran of ?his change m policy. 64. 56 3t?i. 310. 65. 56 Etat. ?96 T?s le?isla?ion was passed War Dapa?men? oppos[twn on the ?round tha; i? w? discr?ato?. It a?plied to o?y two ?y ?ng cadet. ?e ?-16, pp 102-3 ?6. ls? ind (l?r., Hq ? W C? ?g ?g. Cored, 23 ?y 19?2), m D? 032-0, Leg?la?ion; 56 ?tai. 310. 52 56 Star. 310, 68 56 Star. ?64 69. AH?-7 Legislation Relating to the Army Air Forces Training Program, 1939-1945, pp. 46-48 70 AHS-16, p?. 59-60; 55 Star. 71, AHS-16, pp 60-64; 56 Star. ?4. 72. A?S-16, p?. 69-70, 55 Slat 733 73. 59 Etat. 263. 75 ?S-16, ?p. ?9-90; 56 gtgl. 736. 76 ?S-16, p 94 The Act of April 3, 1939 ez- ?ndcd ?o all officers, warran? offi?ra, and en- listed men the same pension, compe?a?ion, retiremen[ pay, and hospital benefi? provided lot ?Htary pers?el of the Re?r ?y. S? 53 Et?t 557 ?7. ?S-15, p. 95 78 56 Etat 381 A? th?z bime humeflea1 designatio? of pay grade rsn from i (master down [o 7 (prlva?). ?9. ?S-16. pp. 95-9?. An ?c? amend?g the Se?- icemen's Dependents and AHowances Ae? s?ted t?t aw?twn cade? were included m the ?erms "men" and "e?]sted men" as used ? the act This made them eligible for dependents' allow- ances and benefits 80. ?-16, pp 9?-100. 81. 56 star. 278. This legfsla?wn was approved May 1942 82 5? ?tat. 83 ?te?/ew by au?hor with Mrs. ?. W. Moore, Executive for Legislative Research, Office of Le?ative Liaison, eSS, 1? Nov. 1954. 85 Hq. O? ?. ?o 20-9, Hq, ?, 11 Dec. 1943, ? USAP ? ?45 041 A-6. 85. ?cmo, O/AS from Hq. ?, sub?: ?t/al Post, war ?r Force, 29 Apr 194?, ? U? 1?.041 A-6. In 1940, prior to the reorgan?ation of the Army a? arm as the ?, the ?rst Sec- tion of the Plans Diveion of the OOA? pre- pared le?ation d?ired by the ? Co?s and handled o?her legislative matters perta?g the a? arm See Office Memo 10-10A: M]sce1- laneous-O?a?a?ion el ?he Plans Diasion the Office of the Chief oI the ?r Corps, 16 Apr. 19?0, si?ed by Col. Car1 Spain, Chief, Pla? Division, in U? ? 145,91-297. 88. Memo, DC ? from Hq. ?, subj ß The war ?r Force, no date, ? D? 27, Pla? (8 June 19i5-1 May 1946). 1. John W. MulYan, "A Legislative Hl?tery of the St?g?le of ?he A? Force for ?deDendent S?- ?us/' (unpubH3hed ?.A the?, Southern ?ols UniversitY, Carbondale, ?linv?, J?e 1952), p? 2 Wi?m Mffi?, e?, Forrest? Dia?es, (New York, 1961), pp, 159-62, 3. IbiS., pp 162-63 ?11? conten? th? Fo?res?l's o?9osition forced g so?der and broader anae- mia of the ?ifieaiion problem and ?sulted m ? behar urntick,ion plgn. THIS PAGE Declassflied lAW EO12958