Page:Legislative History of the AAF and USAF.djvu/136

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�This Page Declassified lAW EO12958 Joint Board o! the Army and Navy, 36 Joint Chiefs of Staff, 43, 45-46. 54-55, 58, 61-64; ?/9-107 Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, ?6 Joint Long-Range Pro?n? Ground ior Guided M?Ues (pr?ed legalorion), 95 3om6 ?sohition ei 13 December [19?1]. 3? Jo? Staff, 58, 61, 63 Ju?e Advocat? ?eneral, $?-49, 69 "t?ey West Agreement" (revised), 60? Key West Conference, 54n. 55 Kilday, Rep Paul J. 60 Kilgore, Sen Harley, 46 King. Atlm Ernest J., 43 Knorr, Maj Gem Hugh J., 6, 84 Knox. Oscar S., 24 Korean War, ?6, 87, 96-97, 103-4 Kuter, Maj. Laurence S. 36 L?Ouardia, l?orello, 77 Langley l=ield, 21 Eangley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, 101-2 Leahy, A?, ?lU?m D, 43 Le?la?ive Division of the Office of the Judge Advocate Gene?l (JAG), US?, ?4 Le?lattve Dirtston of the Office of ?he ?ecretary of Delete, ?5 Le?la?ive ?nd Liaison Di?ston o? the DepOt[- merit of ?he ?my, ?2 L?islative and Liaison Diaston of the War De- partment, 52 Le?slattve and Lla?on Diveion of ?e Wsr De- partment Special S?ff, F2 L?islatlve Pla? DlvMlo? O?ce of the ? Jud?e Advoca?, 52, ?5 Leg?la?lve So. Ice Brach, L?slative So.ices Diveion, ?2 Legislative Se?ces Section, O?ce of the A? Judge Advocate, ACid, Per?o?el, ?2 LeMay, Maj, Gen, Cu?h. 80 ?nd-lease, 10. 23, 25. 41 "Let?r con?ac?," 20 Liberty MoOr. 2, 109 Lieb, ReP. Charles, 2 Lo?-Rangc P?v?g Ground, Lo?tt. ?be? A, 25, 35, 44-45, 64-65. 87. See ?s?tant Secrem? of War f? ?r. and Secre- ta? of Defense. MacArthur. General of the Army Douglas, 46 McCormack, Rep. John W., 24 MeNair, Lt Gen. Leslie J., 43 McNamey, Maj. Oen. Joseph T, 42. 45 Matoriel Division, 21 Maf?riel Expansion Program, 41 l?-Day, 25 Menoher. MaJ. Gen. Charles T.. 4 MJl/tary Aviators, 2 "Military Department ?or Air" (proposed), 45 Military Housing Insurance Fund, 87 Military Liaison Committee, Military Personnel Division, 32 Ml!llz, Walter, 53 Mitchell, Brig. Gert. William: on air power, on the sinering of the Ostyrieslan& 4; publica- tions, 4?; crusade for air power and cour? mar- tial, 4, 8, 109 ?[organ, Dr. EGrettrial, 89 Munitions Board, 54, 57-59, 63-64, 95 Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), ?9, 97-98, 111 N National Advisory Committee For Aeronautic? (NACA): 2, 6, 21; approprmtions for NACA, 1941- 45, 46, 91; in development of wind tunnel facili- ties, 99, 101-2 National Air Mll?eum, ?8 Natrenal Bureau of Standards, 21 National Defense Commismon. 18 National Guard: 13, 2'/, 29, 50, 57, /]6, 91. 94; Bureau. 57; of the states, 91 National Mlhtary Establishment, 53, 56-5?. 61-64, 72-?3, 10, ?2. 95, 102, 105. 110 National Security Council, 54, 56-57, 61-64 National Security Resources ?Board, 54, 67, 59, 54 National /?ervice Life Insurance (NSLI). 33, ?, 90 Naval aviation (appropriations for). 105? Naval War College, 60 Navy. 15, 25, 31-32. 44, 50-51, ?', ?3, S8, 92. 101, 105-7, 109-11; debate with Army ?lr ice, 4; and NACA, 21; and unification, 45-46, 53-5'/, 60-61, 65, '/1. Officer Personnel Act of 19t7, 61; Bureau of Aeronautics, 23 Navy Departmoot, 2. 4, 45-45, 5?, 57, õ9, 64, ?4, 76, 99, 101, 110 ?ewport Conference, 75 Nimif?, Adm Chester V., 46, 59 95-Wn? program 163-5, 107 Nonflying Officers, 33 Norstad, Gen Lauris, 55, ?0 ?orth Atlantic Treaty. ?8, l?orth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), '/9, 98, 104-5 North Korean Communists, o Office of the Chief of the Air Corps (OCAC), 7, 9, 30, 34 Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 109 Offie of the Director of Information, '/2 Office of the General Counsel, OShl?. 74 Office oi I?gizlative Liaison, 75n Office of Legislative Services, 52, ?2 THIS PAGE Declassified lAW EO12958